
VENTRUE Event Management Application - Veteran Event Us X Everyone

Primary LanguageBlade

VENTRUE (Veteran Event Us X Everyone)

Table of Contents


This project was built to become my undergraduate thesis project for my Information Systems degree. Other than the neccessary written thesis, I also needed to provide a practical solution during my presentation. This was my solution which is an event management system with a website interface.

Actually it came up from a competition in my uni, about the lack of a system to help student organizations and students.

Based on a survey conducted with 70 respondents (90.9% of the participants), the need for an efficient event management system was identified. The top three reasons for this demand are as follows:

  1. Dissemination of Information: The system will ensure that event information is effectively communicated and distributed evenly across the community.

  2. Ease of Event Search: Users can easily search for upcoming events, facilitating their participation in various activities.

  3. Efficient Information Management: The system will simplify the process of managing and organizing event-related information.

Challenges Addressed

The survey highlighted three main challenges faced by respondents in accessing and registering for events:

  1. Uncoordinated Event Information: Lack of coordination in disseminating event details leads to important information getting lost or overlooked.

  2. Lack of Event Reminders: Participants often forget about events due to the absence of reminders from organizers.

  3. Complex Registration Process: The existing system's complexity, requiring participants to copy registration links and join social media groups, poses a usability challenge.


I use the following technologies to accommodate the business requirements in what was written in my thesis.

  1. Laravel 9 with PHP 8.1 as the application framework
  2. Blade Templates + TailwindCSS for frontend
  3. MySQL for data storage and retrieval
  4. SMTP for Email Sending
  5. Google OAuth2 to use Google Sign-In
  6. Docker for production-like environment during development
  7. Cron for event reminders


1. Participant

a. Registration: - Student can register on the platform.

b. Login: - Student can log in to the website.

c. Profile Management: - Student can update their profile information.

d. View Upcoming Events: - Student can see a list of upcoming events.

e. Search Events by Name: - Student can search for events based on their names.

f. Search Events by Category: - Student can search for events based on categories.

g. Event Registration: - Student can register for a specific event.

h. View Event Details: - Student can view detailed information about an event, including description, time, participant count, location, event link, and requirements.

i. View Registered Events (History): - Student can see a list of events they have registered for.

j. Attendance Submission: - Student can submit attendance for an event.

k. Provide Event Feedback: - Student can provide feedback on an event.

l. Generate Event Certificate: - Student can generate a certificate as proof of event participation after the event concludes.

m. Receive Event Reminders: - Student can receive reminders before the start of an event.

2. Student Organization (Ormawa)

a. View Dashboard Statistics: - Organization can view statistics on the dashboard.

b. Profile Management: - Organization can update their profile information.

c. Event Management: - Organization can create, update, and delete events.

d. Open/Close Event Registration and Attendance: - Organization can manage the opening and closing of event registration and attendance.

e. Display QR Code for Event Attendance: - Organization can display a QR code for event attendance.

f. Download Participant Data: - Organization can download participant data for events.

g. Receive Event Feedback: - Organization can receive feedback after an event concludes.

h. Provide Event Materials to Participants: - Organization can provide event materials to participants.

3. Admin

a. View Overall Statistics: - Admin can view overall statistics for Participants, Organizations, and Events.

b. Manage Organization Accounts: - Admin can create, update, and delete Organization accounts.

c. Manage Student Accounts: - Admin can create, update, and delete Student accounts.

d. Manage Events: - Admin can create, update, and delete events.

e. Modify Landing Page Content: - Admin can modify the content of the landing page.

4. General Affairs Bureau (Biro Umum)

a. View Overall Statistics: - Biro Umum can view overall statistics for the number of rooms and the number of events with schedule conflicts in UPN Veteran Jakarta.

b. Manage Locations: - Biro Umum can view, create, update, and delete room locations.

c. View Room Schedule: - Biro Umum can view the schedule of room usage, identifying any conflicts.

5. Academic Bureau (Biro AKPK)

a. View Overall Statistics: - Biro AKPK can view overall statistics for the number of events awaiting validation.

b. View Event Details: - Biro AKPK can view detailed information about events that require validation.

c. Approve Events: - Biro AKPK can approve events.


Step 1: Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/sotobakar/ventrue-app.git

Step 2: Copy Environment Configuration

Copy the provided example environment configuration to create your own configuration file.

cp .env.example .env

Step 3: Modify Docker Compose Configuration

Open the docker-compose-dev.yml file and update the command in the php service:

    command: tail -F any

Step 4: Run Docker Compose

docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up

Step 5: Setup Dependencies

Open another terminal in the project directory and run the following commands step by step:

# Run interactive container shell
docker-compose exec -it php sh

# Install Composer dependencies
composer install

# Install Node.js dependencies
npm install

# Generate application key
php artisan key:generate

# Populate the database
sh populate.sh

Step 6: Return to 1st Terminal & Stop Docker Compose

In the terminal where Docker Compose is running, stop the process by pressing Ctrl + C.

Step 7: Update Docker Compose Configuration (Undo Changes)

Undo the changes made to docker-compose-dev.yml:

    command: sh -c "npm run build && php artisan serve --host"

Step 8: Run Docker Compose Again

docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up

Step 9: Access the Website

Visit http://localhost:8080 in your web browser to access the website.


Coming soon