
Kitchenware classification

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Kitchenware Classification project

Data preparation

This project started by:

  1. Analyzing the data from the competition with some basic exploratory analysis. In this part of the project the distribution of the categories was evaluated, we didn't find any major imbalance between the six classes.

  2. The data was splitted into train, validation and test set, since we want to make sure that the model is not overfitting. We perform adverserial validation of the validation set to make sure that the validation set is not too different from the test set. This helps to test our data accurately, in other words the results we get in the public leaderboard are not too different from the results we get in the private leaderboard.

This notebook was use to implement the adverserial validation. The results were that the validation set is not too different from the test set.





The images shows that training, validation and testing datasets has a similar distribution of the classes. After that we test using adverserial validation technique to see if the model is able to distinguish between the training and validation set. The results are shown in the notebook.


To test different models and run several experiments we use Weights & Biases for experimental tracking.

A detail explanation of the set-up for running the experiment was made on this notebook.


The architecture of the model is shown in the following image:


The model use Xception as a base model, and we add a global average pooling layer and a dense layer with 50 units and relu activation function. The regularization layer was added to avoid overfitting using 0.2 dropout rate.

The output layer has 6 units and linear activation function. The linear activation function was use to speed up the training process, later the predictions were transformed to probabilities using the softmax function using the following code:

logits_test = model.predict(test_generator)

The model was trained for 100 epochs with a batch size of 32. The model was trained using the Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 0.001. The model was trained using the categorical crossentropy loss function. The input size of the images was 550x550x3. Early stopping was used to avoid overfitting using patience of 5 epochs monitoring the validation loss.

Structure of the repository

app.py: Python file that runs a streamlit app for the prediction service

cloud_test.py: Python file that runs the prediction service from AWS.

convert_model.py: Python file that converts the .h5 file into .tflite

Dockerfile: For deployment of the model in AWS as lambda function.

kitchenware_v4_09_0.967.h5: Model with TensorFlow (can be directly downloaded from kaggle)

kitchenwaren-class.tflite: Model with TensorFlow lite

local_test.py: Python file that runs the prediction service from the docker file locally.

Notebook.ipynb: Notebook for exploratory data analysis, creating and exporting the model.

Pipfile and Pipfile.loc: contains the dependencies to run the project.

process_data.py: Python script to process an url with the image and return a prediction

test.py: Python script to test the prediction service using AWS.

train.py: Python script to train the model and export it as a .h5 file.

How to run

  • Clone the repo
  • Download the data from kaggle
  • Install the dependencies
pipenv install
  • Activate the virtual enviroment
pipenv shell

Building the prediction model and service

Run the train.py file to obtain the best model for the training parameters as a .h5 file and convert to tflite file.

Enviroment set-up


Install pipenv in your machine:

pip install pipenv

set the python version that you want to use:

pipenv install --python 3.9

install the libraries that you want to use:

pipenv install pandas tensorflow numpy matplotlib

This would create a Pipfile and a Pipfile.lock


Run the docker file:

First build the model:

docker build -t kitchen-class-model .

Run the docker image

docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 kitchen-class-model:latest

Run the prediction service: Open a new command line (make sure you are running the docker file)

Activate the virtual enviroment

pipenv shell
python test.py

The local_test.py already have an image link to return a prediction (feel free to add the URL you want to test)


Cloud deployment


pre-requisets needs to have AWS CLI installed which is command line to interact with AWS ( I have a windows and working with WSL, so I download the cli using the linux command)

Elastic Container Registry:

Place to store your container

Create repo View push command

Go to security credentials and find the access key to configure your AWS

run in your command line: aws configure and type your credentials from the above step


Create the repo to store the image

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name kitchen-class-images

Obtain the repositoryUri which look something like this:


Set at the command line

$(aws ecr get-login --no-include)







Tag the image to AWS

docker tag kitchen-class-model:latest ${REMOTE_URI}

Push the docker image

docker push ${REMOTE_URI}

Lambda function


Browse the image


For deep learning task we need to increase the time of the response and the memory allocated to perform the function.

We need to go configuration -> General configuration and change the timeout to 30 seconds and the memory to 1024

Test the service


API Gateaway

Create API




Choose the protocol -> Create API


Create method -> select POST Integration type: Lambda Select the Lambda Function


Deploy endpoint

Go to actions and click on Deploy API


Select the stage name


Now we just need to obtain the URL if you select a name for the POST you need to added at the end, if not you can use the url provided:




To run the streamlit app just need to run in your terminal:

streamlit run app.py