- 14
Update the window creation section
#549 opened by tim-lappe - 1
Setup normal map at tutorial 11 does not work
#579 opened by hoangcuongzk1 - 6
- 1
Tutorial2 Not Working on Web
#573 opened by carsonalh - 1
Tutorial 2 code in render() section does not seem to be correct
#574 opened by myth0genesis - 1
Missing field during State::New() in "The Surface"
#567 opened by ValorZard - 3
- 13
wgpu and winit update tracker
#503 opened by ifsheldon - 2
How to draw in a dedicated function
#562 opened by jjbel - 3
new_inner_size: No such field
#558 opened by Cg1340 - 0
Cannot follow tutorial as is
#555 opened by Zekinler - 2
- 1
Vertex jittering when a object is far from the origin
#554 opened by Khalzz - 4
Fix your tutorial
#553 opened by Zekinler - 5
Compiler error in State::new()
#545 opened by TheBlckbird - 3
- 3
Alpha mode
#500 opened by Jammyjamjamman - 1
something wrong when run windowless
#522 opened by Magic-zhu - 3
Panic when loading .obj without normals.
#518 opened by tmff - 2
tutorial 11 explanation of srgb
#523 opened by mikedilger - 1
- 2
Incorrect parameter for creation of WGPU Instance
#530 opened by baad-c0de - 1
- 1
- 2
- 4
Windowing chapter won’t work on some platforms
#532 opened by JoeOsborn - 0
- 0
Switch to glam from cgmath.
#529 opened by george-steel - 0
Wgpu without a window for web
#528 opened by adamgerhant - 4
- 4
Wrong view projection matrices
#517 opened by Azkellas - 2
More about compute shader
#492 opened by pythops - 3
Code for `learn-wgpu/code/beginner/tutorial3-pipeline/src/challenge.wgsl` doesn't work
#487 opened by JohnScience - 3
- 1
Error: Cannot find module `demo.js`
#513 opened by Des-Nerger - 2
There are two tutorial thirteens
#499 opened - 5
Why is the triangle color a rainbow ?
#497 opened by pythops - 2
Safety note for create_surface appears off
#475 opened by tbfleming - 4
compiler error
#491 opened by discipulus262 - 0
a correction is needed
#485 opened by adsick - 1
In `tutorial1_window` I get a compiler error that something is not a future.
#468 opened by exo-cortex - 3
surface_format in "The Surface" breaking change for wpgu version 0.16.0
#473 opened by charliemonnone - 1
Rebuild Pong
#466 opened by seanaye - 1
dark theme / use mdBook
#482 opened by adsick - 1
Update to 0.17
#493 opened by sotrh - 1
- 0
- 2
Viewing Old Versions
#476 opened by billyb2 - 1
- 3
MouseMotion delta is not precise
#467 opened by infality