
Scheme processing by Go.

Primary LanguageGo



gosc is a toy scheme processing by Golang.

How to install

You only type go get below:

$ go get github.com/sott0n/gosc

How to use

REPL mode : invoke interactive shell

$ gosc

Execute scheme file

$ gosc [filename].scm

One liner

$ gosc -e "(+ 1 2)"

Dump AST of input source code

$ gosc -a

Show Help

$ gosc -h

Syntax and Function

Type Support Status
Number +, -, *, /, =, <, <=, >, >=
List car, cdr, cons, list, length, memq, last, append, set-car!, set-cdr!
Boolean not, #f, #t
String string-append, symbol->string, string->symbol, string->number, number->string
Type number?, null?, pair?, list?, symbol?, procedure?, boolean?, string?
Comparison eq?, neq?, equal?
Syntax lambda, let, let*, letrec
Statement if, cond, and, or, begin, do
Definition set!, define, define-macro
Others load


  • Create AST method
  • Add some tests
  • Add [-*/] symbol
  • etc ..