
My algorithm playing ground

Primary LanguagePython


I share equal love among C plus plus and Python3.
I tend to use python3 as my first priority to solve problem.
Because I need to make my algorithm quick enough to pass through the online test mechanism.
But if I can't make my python3 code quick enough, I will go back to use C plusplus, I don't really care about online ranking. Make python3 quick enough is good challenge for me enough.

You are welcome to discuss with me.

Btw, after working in decade, I finnally realize algorithm and math is the core of problem. Well, it's true other topic is worthy to invest time. But alas. time is limited.

S/N Title Comment Python3 C++
[UVA100] 3n+1 C++ pass the online judge without a problem, but python just can't. the logical is identical..dunno why. N Y
[UVA10038] Jolly Jumper easy one. Python3 is quick enough Y
[UVA621] secret research easy one, just get familiar with Python3 Y
[UVA1124] Celebrity jeopardy well, what the.. Y
[UVA1614] Hell on Markets Fun one, I took some time with this one.And I found I am the only one who use python3 to solve it at this moment. The rank is pretty bad. Hahaha... Y
[UVA10963] The Swallowing Ground Interesting question, but easy one, output format is annoying. Receving some presentation error mulitple times, not happy.:( Y
[UVA369] Combination Basic is important, right? Y
[UVA1210] Sum of Consecutive Prime Well, I had to admit, this one give me some trouble because I need to revive my math. You high school nerd won't understand. Only aging will make you understand what I am talking about. Y
[UVA591] Box of Bricks Well, easy one. nothing to say Y
[UVA900] Brick Wall Patterns er.. well, let's build the wall with stylish patterns. Y
[UVA441] Lotto Backtracking, I make it more oo style Y
[UVA642] Word Amalgamation use OO directly solve, it could be better Y
[UVA739] Soundex Index They said this one is easy but I find myself in little truble to print format and get confused by English grammer at first Y
[UVA821] Page hopping Floyd-warshall, python3 just can't pass the test, gonna use c++ to do it again N
[UVA218] Moth Eradication Took me a lot of time to review math. Computing geometry is fun now I see. Y