
My packer best practice directory structure

Primary LanguageRuby


My best practice of project structure to provison AWS EC2 AMI with Packer.


This repository requires following runtime environment and modules.

Setting up

  • Install ansible
pip install -r requirements.txt -c constraints.txt

Test ansible scripts locally

  • Boot vargrant instance, initialize and take vagrant snapshot for rollback.
make init-vagrant
  • Provison to vagrant instance with null provisioner, and rollback to initial instance state.
    • ROLE : role name linked ansible-playbook file.
make test-local ROLE=hoge

Create AMI

  • Edit your aws credential information on ~/.aws/credentials.
aws_access_key_id = [your access_key_id]
aws_secret_access_key = [your_secret_access_key]
region = [your region]
  • Edit packer/env-aws-variables.json that includes packer setting for AWS provisioning.
    "aws_region": "your-region",
    "aws_vpc_id": "vpc-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "aws_subnet_id": "subnet-xxxxxxxxxxx",
    "ssh_user": "centos",
    "use_profile": "your-profile",
    "aws_instance_role": "your-packer-role",
    "aws_keypair_name": "your-keypair-name"
  • Provision AWS instacne
make create-ami ROLE=hoge AWS_KEY_FILE=${absolute path to aws key file for ssh to instance}