
Use Kubernetes to deploy a Microservice architecture.deploy, manage and monitor a live Kubernetes cluster.

Primary LanguageHCL

Deploy Kubernetes Microservices to the AWS Cloud

Use Kubernetes to deploy a Microservice architecture

Lessons Learned

  • Automated cloud infrastructure provisioning with Terraform for consistent deployments
  • Implemented robust disaster recovery with EBS volume snapshots.
  • Deploy containers to a Kubernetes Cluster
  • Run Kubernetes in AWS using EKS
  • Monitor a live Kubernetes cluster using Prometheus and Grafana
  • Analyse system-wide logs using the ELK Stack (ElasticStack); Kibana and ElasticSearch
  • Handle Alerts in a Kubernetes cluster by notifying Slack Channels
  • Understand how Requests and Limits work in Kubernetes
  • Use Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
  • Configure Ingress Control on a live Kubernetes deployment
  • Understand Kubernetes StatefulSets
  • Integrate Kubernetes with a Continuous Deployment System (CD)

Microservices architecture

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