
Simple, type-safe, and efficient access to DynamoDB

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Project Stage CI Release Snapshot Discord
Project stage CI Release Artifacts Snapshot Artifacts Badge-Discord


Simple, type-safe, and efficient access to DynamoDB


Getting Started

// only snapshots are published at the moment
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")

// add zio-dynamodb to your dependencies - lookup the latest snapshot version here https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/dev/zio/zio-dynamodb_2.13/
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  // ...
  "dev.zio"               %% "zio-dynamodb"          % "0.0.1<LATEST_VERSION>"

For examples please see examples sbt module. Below is Main.scala from that module.

package zio.dynamodb.examples

import io.github.vigoo.zioaws.http4s
import zio.{ App, ExitCode, Has, URIO, ZLayer }
import zio.dynamodb.DynamoDBQuery.{ get, put }
import zio.dynamodb.{ DynamoDBExecutor, PrimaryKey }
import zio.schema.{ DeriveSchema, Schema }
import io.github.vigoo.zioaws.core.config
import io.github.vigoo.zioaws.dynamodb
import zio.clock.Clock

object Main extends App {

  final case class Person(id: Int, firstName: String)
  object Person {
    implicit lazy val schema: Schema[Person] = DeriveSchema.gen[Person]
  val examplePerson = Person(1, "avi")

  private val program = for {
    _      <- put("tableName", examplePerson).execute
    person <- get[Person]("tableName", PrimaryKey("id" -> 1)).execute
    _      <- zio.console.putStrLn(s"hello $person")
  } yield ()

  override def run(args: List[String]): URIO[zio.ZEnv, ExitCode] = {

    val dynamoDbLayer = http4s.default >>> config.default >>> dynamodb.live // uses real AWS dynamodb
    val executorLayer = (dynamoDbLayer ++ ZLayer.identity[Has[Clock.Service]]) >>> DynamoDBExecutor.live


For examples on how to use the DynamoDBLocal in memory database please see the integration tests and StudentZioDynamoDbExample

Under the hood we use the excellent ZIO AWS library for type-safe DynamoDB access, and the awesome ZIO Schema library for schema derived codecs (see here for documentation on how to customise these through annotations).

Microsite content to come soon.

ZIO DynamoDB Microsite


Documentation for contributors

Code of Conduct

See the Code of Conduct


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