
UVA Specific webapp that allows students to plan out their remaining semesters

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Getting Started

Installing and Running

  1. After cloning the repo, cd into the /static directory and run npm install. This will download and install the dependencies listed in package.json.
    1. Install npm if you do not have it
  2. In the /static directory, start the npm watcher to build the fron end code with npm run watch
  3. Go back to the base directory and cd into the /server directory
  4. Create a python virtualenv
    1. WINDOWS
      1. Installing virtualenv and initializing it
        1. py -m pip install --upgrade pip
        2. py -m pip install --user virtualenv
        3. py -m venv env
      2. Activating virtualenv
        1. cd into ./server/env/Scripts/
        2. run source activate
        3. return to the /server folder
      3. Deactivate it when you are done developing
        1. deactivate
    2. macOS or Linux
      1. Installing virtualenv and initializing it
        1. python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip
        2. python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
        3. python3 -m venv env
      2. Activating virtualenv
        1. source env/bin/activate
      3. Deactivate it when you are done developing
        1. deactivate
  5. Install flask inside the virtualenv
    1. pip install flask
  6. If any other dependencies are needed, install using pip install -r requirements.txt in the /server directory
  7. Start the server. Go to the server directory and run python server.py in terminal
  8. Go to localhost:5000 and the webapp should render


  1. Fork this repo to your profile
  2. Clone it to your local machine using git clone
  3. Update/modify code and then git push to your own fork
  4. Open up a Pull Request to the dev branch on the base repo (soukaryag)


  • Make login with Google
    • Login/user system
    • Database storage
  • Figure out how to control page flow
    • Use the react native system to transfer pages
  • Design second temp page that shows all the classes for the major in a nice format
    • Figure out design format, and what is most efficient
    • Make classes draggable and easily switchable
  • Create tree of major flow (hard)
    • How to get data on whats a prereq?
  • Clean out data from UVA dataset to only show REQUIRED classes for major (hard)
    • Potential for manual remediation here
  • Double/Multiple Major functionality
  • Go to the cloud on with EC2 and RDS/S3 with single major functional
  • Front page search on enter
  • Minor functionality (how to get data?)

