Heardle with Spotify

Web app that allows you to play heardle with any artist you like (as long as you have spotify premium)


  1. Register a Spotify App and add http://localhost:8888/callback as a Redirect URI in the app settings
  2. Create an .env file in the root of the project based on .env.example
  3. nvm use
  4. yarn && yarn client:install
  5. yarn dev



  • Add modals with instructions!!!! (3pt)
  • Artist page
    • Rework stat cards based on new format
  • Implement daily heardle mode
    • Hash generation (2pt)
    • One a day logic implementation - block play if today complete (1pt)
    • Save game state idea if leaving page halfway through the game (save on every guess) (2pt)
    • Stat and progress tracking for daily heardle (3pt)
    • Win/loss state similar to wordle but prettier :O (2pt)
    • Bug on load for new artists
    • Sleep for 3 seconds before displaying stats screen (modal?)
    • Consider limiting daily mode to user's top 5 artists only (supply demand management)
  • Rework streak heardle mode
    • More satisfying ultimate win page (2pt)
    • Share to socials button on end game state (2pt)
  • Rework home page (3pt)
  • Add a global stats page (4pt)
  • Rework db
    • Create db class (3pt)
    • Consider moving it to postgres/mongodb (5pt)
      • This will allow for leaderboards and all - look into that (Kruti) (5pt)
  • Optimize for mobile play
    • Particularly with keyboard/search interaction pushing the page around (1pt)
    • Remove Nav bar from play pages
  • General enhancements
    • Fix the back and fwd buttons, right now they just does history(-1), but that's wrong (1pt)


  • Complete refactor and abstraction of code (it's ugh lee right now)
  • Add schemas, design database structure and collections
  • Use spotify as primary auth to fetch user data from mongo
  • Rework frontend to connect to backend endpoints for data flow, tear down cached data
  • Testing suite for endpoints (WIP, mongo dono walled me lul - need to install monogdb locally)


This project uses https://github.com/bchiang7/spotify-profile as the base for auth setup and much of the styling. All credits to bchiang7 for her work on https://spotify-profile.herokuapp.com/

Technologies Used