
Generate simple blog from markdown.

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Generate simple articles website from markdown files. Index with list of articles is created automatically.


Images won't move to destination automatically.

It's recommended to create img/ directory in your source directory and place all images there, use relative path in every article ([Test image](img/test.png)) and copy images to dest_dir/html/img.


To build and install you need stack.


$ git clone https://github.com/soukev/heretic-web-gen.git
$ cd heretic-web-gen 
$ stack build
$ stack install


For help just run herewg.

herewg usage:
 -fn "title" src_dir dest_dir      Build new project.
 -a file_path dest_dir             Add new article to existing project.
 -u file_path dest_dir             Update article in existing project.
 -rbf file_path dest_dir           Rebuild article. Useful when article md file is outside your main dir
 -rbd src_dir dest_dir             Rebuild all articles from directory. Useful when header or footer has been changed.


herewg -fn "My Website" src dst


In dest_dir you can find html/, conf.json, footer.html.conf, header.html.conf and style.css.conf.

  • html/ contains generated html files.
  • conf.json contains informations about articles.
  • [footer.html, header.html, style.css].conf contains footer, header and style. Edit however is desired.