
Another TwitterBot using OAuth

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


## Twitter sign up
1. Create your Bot's account in Twitter (http://twitter.com)
2. Register your application in http://twitter.com/apps

# Bot installation
3. Copy all files in /opt/TwitBot. If you change this path
   remember to edit include/config.php and include/Log/Log.class.php

# Bot configuration
4. Rename include/config.sample.php to include/config.php
5. Edit in include/config.php you bot's name as appears in Twitter
6. Edit in include/config.php your OAuth keys
7. Rename db/bot.sample.db3 to db/bot.db3

## Link your Bot with your Twitter account
8. Make sure you are signed with your Bot's account in Twitter
9. Execute the next instructions:
   # cd Twitter-Bot/include
   # php OAuthApi.php register
     ... You will get an authentication URL        ...
     ... Access to that URL and authorize the app  ...
     ... Take note of the PIN code                 ...
   # php OAuthApi.php validate <code>
10. If you dont want your Bot start analyzing followers, mentions, etc
    from the begining of the times, you should initialize the database
    # php OAuthApi.php initdb

Note. If register process fails, repeat all steps from 6.

## Automatic execution
11. Add the next line to /etc/crontab and restart CRON
*/2 *	* * *	root	cd <bot_path> && /usr/bin/php main.php

Note. I assume you are using Linux. If you use Windows or another OS 
   review how to schedule commands automatically like CRON does


All actions are coded in include/Actions/ folder.

To enable the actions, you must add them to $actions array in
include/config.php. All actions will be executed in that order.

Every action needs to extend Action class (Action.class.php) and have 
the doAction() function.

Every Action class instance has two variables:
  - Bot object executing the action
  - Current heartbeat

If you need to access to database, you can get the object using the getDbObject()
method defined in Bot.class.php.

If you need to update any token, you can use the setToken()/getToken() methods
defined in Bot.class.php.

Sample Action to retweet, every 5 heartbeats, its last mention:

file: doAlert.class.php
//----------- START -------------//
require_once ("Action.class.php");
class doAlert extends Action {
	function doAction() {
		if ($this->heartbeat % 5) {
			Logger::instance()->log("Retweeting my last mention", 4);
			$mention = $this->bot->getMentions(1);
//------------ END --------------//