
Simple echo service using NodeJS


Simple echo service using NodeJS to be used as an example in some articles.


This is a very minimal Express application which exposes a few endpoints:

  • /health, which returns a 200 and a json including a version string:

    $ curl http://localhost:8080/health
  • /echo/:msg, which returns a 200 and a json including the received message:

    $ curl http://localhost:8080/echo/Hello


There are two branches: v1 and v2, which are meant to be the different versions of this API.

The differences are:

  • version string in /health is different:
    • 'v1' for version 1 (v1 branch)
    • 'v2' for version 2 (v2 branch)
  • /echo/:msg endpoint is depreated in v2 so a warning result will be provided and a reason of the warning:
    $ curl http://localhost:8080/echo/Hello
    {"result":"warning","reason": "this endpoint is deprecated, use /say instead","msg":"Hello"}
  • /say/:msg endpoint is new in v2 which includes some validation about the received message.
    $ curl http://localhost:8080/say
    {"result":"error","reason":"No message provided"}
    $ curl http://localhost:8080/say/Hello


You can deploy and run whatever branch you want in a server or you can deploy them by using a prefix using an environment variable. If this prefix variable (PREFIX) is set, all routes will be prepended with it.

In example, to run v1 as a main version:

$ git checkout v1
Switched to branch 'v1'
$ node index.js
API running on
$ curl http://localhost:8080/health

Another example, to run v2 as main version:

$ git checkout v2
Switched to branch 'v2'
$ node index.js 
API running on
$ curl http://localhost:8080/health

Finally, to run v2 as a subpath:

$ git checkout v2
Switched to branch 'v2'
$ PREFIX=/v2 node index.js 
API running on
$ curl http://localhost:8080/v2/health