
SOUL Essent is a NLP toolkit with http API access. In terms of the SOUL infrastructure, SOUL Essent is at a fairly high level and lies outside the contract execution area.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Soul Essent

Size Limit logo by Anton Lovchikov

SOUL Essent is a NLP toolkit with http API access.
In terms of the SOUL infrastructure, SOUL Essent is at a fairly high level and lies outside the contract execution area.
It can even be deployed on another machine and have IP forwarded to the network to optimize calculations that require a model for classification or other calculations not of a static nature, but using neural network models.
SOUL Essent is a multilingual environment that uses adapters to run the daemon in Python and work with it with high performance.

Kotlin Python

Module principles ☝️

  • Essent does not store any information, either anonymous or in original form.
  • Essent is a standalone product and can be separated from the SOUL infrastructure without using emulation of missing models
  • Essent and all forks are distributed exclusively under the MIT license. All products within SOUL Essent also use open licenses (not limited to MIT)

Get started

java --version # openjdk 18.0.2-ea 2022-07-19
git clone https://github.com/soul-guru/soul-essent
cd cd soul-essent
sh gradlew buildShadow

docker build -f Dockerfile -t soul/essent:latest .