{% include thanks.html %}
Welcome. The Ruby Advent Calendar 2020 presents a new Ruby library every day from December 1st to December 25th.
- Day 1 - local_time Gem - Cache-Friendly and Timezone Aware Timestamp Formatting. Written by {% avatar swanson size=20 %} Matt Swanson
- Day 2 - elastic-enterprise-search Gem - Workplace Search, App Search, and Site Search All Together. Written by {% avatar picandocodigo size=20 %} Fernando Briano
- Day 3 - πππ by {% avatar marckohlbrugge size=20 %} Marc KΓΆhlbrugge
- Day 4 - πππ by {% avatar excid3 size=20 %} Chris Oliver
- Day 5 - πππ by {% avatar jasonswett size=20 %} Jason Swett
- Day 6 - πππ by {% avatar excid3 size=20 %} Chris Oliver
- Day 7 - πππ by {% avatar swanson size=20 %} Matt Swanson
- Day 8 - πππ by {% avatar excid3 size=20 %} Chris Oliver
- Day 9 - πππ by {% avatar picandocodigo size=20 %} Fernando Briano
- Day 10 - πππ by {% avatar rlgreen91 size=20 %} Rachel Green
- Day 11 - πππ by {% avatar abhaynikam size=20 %} Abhay Nikam
- Day 12 - πππ by {% avatar pascalwengerter size=20 %} Pascal Wengerter
- Day 13 - πππ by {% avatar ledestin size=20 %} Dmitry Maksyoma
- Day 14 - πππ by {% avatar hlascelles size=20 %} Harry Lascelles
- Day 15 - πππ by {% avatar adrianthedev size=20 %} Adrian Marin
- Day 16 - πππ by {% avatar pascalwengerter size=20 %} Pascal Wengerter
- Day 17 - πππ by {% avatar igorkasyanchuk size=20 %} Igor Kasyanchuk
- Day 18 - πππ by {% avatar jankeesvw size=20 %} Jankees van Woezik
- Day 19 - πππ by {% avatar soulcutter size=20 %} Bradley Schaefer
- Day 20 - πππ by {% avatar marcoroth size=20 %} Marco Roth
- Day 21 - πππ by {% avatar mcmire size=20 %} Elliot Winkler
- Day 22 - πππ by {% avatar pienkowb size=20 %} Bartosz PieΕkowski
- Day 23 - πππ by {% avatar janxious size=20 %} Joel Meador
- Day 24 - πππ by {% avatar codenamev size=20 %} Valentino Stoll
- Day 25 - πππ by {% avatar gettalong size=20 %} Thomas Leitner
More upcoming write-ups in the Advent Calendar 2020:
- πππ by {% avatar philnash size=20 %} Phil Nash
- πππ by {% avatar MikeRogers0 size=20 %} MikeRogers0
Welcome. The Ruby Gem of the Week series presents a new Ruby library every week on Thursday. Have your say!
- Week 1 - factbook - turn the world factbook into open structured data e.g JSON
- Week 2 - hoe - build, package and publish gems with hoe rake tasks
- Week 3 - slideshow - a free web alternative to PowerPoint and Keynote in Ruby
- Week 4 - kramdown - turn easy-to-read and easy-to-write wiki-style plain text in markdown into hypertext
- Week 5 - feedparser - web feed parser and normalizers (for RSS 2.0, Atom, n friends)
- Week 6 - schemadoc - auto-generate your database schema docs for tables, columns, etc.
- Week 7 - gli - git-like interfaces for awesome command-line tools
- Week 8 - erd - generate entity-relationship diagrams (ERD) for your activerecord models
- Week 9 - state_machine(s) - model processes and work flows with finite state machines (FSM) and automata theory
- Week 10 - annotate - annotate your ActiveRecord models with comments about your table structure
- Week 11 - worldlite - lightweight public domain country data (all data included as good ol' ruby code)
- Week 12 - logutils - yet another (lightweight, simple) logging library in Ruby
- Week 13 - props - yet another config (INI) reader in Ruby
- Week 14 - html-proofer - auto-proofread (check and validate) your hypertext (HTML) pages
- Week 15 - beerdb - serving a Guinness Irish Stout or a Bamberg Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier MΓ€rzen as JSON w/ Ruby
- Week 16 - tilt - let's build (yet another) micro web framework in less than 33 lines of code
- Week 17 - datapak - work with tabular data packages (.csv files w/ datapackage.json) using SQLite (w/ ActiveRecord)
- Week 18 - hexapdf - read and write PDF documents; start from zero or merge, extract, optimize and much more. Written by {% avatar gettalong size=20 %} Thomas Leitner