
:rocket: :telescope: Generate Code-Signing Certificates by clicking only one button.

MIT LicenseMIT

🚀 Self-Signed Certificate Generator 🔬

Download and experience the easiest way to generate Code-Signing Certificates.

Note: This software only generates Self-Signed Certificate.

👮 Security Offered 🔒

🔑 Public Key Algorithms available:

  1. ECDSA (521 Bits)

  2. RSA (2048 Bits)
    a) (PSS Padding)
    b) (PKCS #1 Padding)

#️⃣ Hashing Algorithm available:

  1. SHA256
  2. SHA384
  3. SHA512

📜 PFX File can be password-protected.

👷 Build for Windows using .Net Framework 4.7.2

🎨 Screenshots:

Windows 8.1:

4 all windows

Windows 10:

4 all windows

📝 Credits:


made with love from souleh

📋 License:

Licensed under the MIT License.