🚀 🔭 A powerful library to manage Environment Variables on Windows using Node.JS for Electron and Node.JS Developers.
$ npm i windows-environment
Environment Variable Management operations offered by this library:
- Read all Environment Variables of the specified target (User and Machine).
- Read values of a specified Environment Variable.
- Create a new or append additional values to an already existing Environment Variable.
- Delete an Environment Variable by specifying its name.
- Delete a single value from an already existing Environment Variable.
- Finds broken paths in an Environment Variable (the path which no longer exits on your File System).
- Find duplicate values in an Environment Variable.
- Lastly optimize an Environment Variable's value which removes any redundancies (duplicate values) and broken paths.
- Although the code is not written completely in Node.JS, still it guarantees speed and efficiency.
- Library size is only about 200 kb.
- It requires .NET Framework 3.5 Client Profile as it is build upon C# Code.
Read all Environment Variables of the specified target (User and Machine):
// ES6 Destructuring Assignment
const { Env, Target, ExpandedForm } = require('windows-environment');
// Here the return value is an array of objects with name/value pairs.
let returnValues = Env.get({
//specifies the target i.e. to search for environment variables inside user target
target: Target.USER,
//If this is set to no, all the values will be displayed as is.
//If set to yes then, the values enclosed inside % symbol will take its long form
//for e.g. %userprofile% will be C:\Users\UserName
//for e.g. %systemroot% will be C:\Windows
expandedForm: ExpandedForm.NO
//This looks pretty nice, give it a try.
// As the return value is an array(iterable object) it can be iterated using a for...of loop
for (let iter of returnValues) {
//iter is an object having name and value as keys
console.log('Name : '+iter.name);
console.log('Value : '+iter.value);
Read values of a specified Environment Variable:
// ES6 Destructuring Assignment
const { Env, Target, ExpandedForm } = require('windows-environment');
// Here the return value is a string cause the name field is specified.
let pathString = Env.get({
//specifies the target i.e. to search for environment variables inside machine target
target: Target.MACHINE,
//If this is set to no, all the values will be displayed as is.
//If set to yes then, the values enclosed inside % symbol will take its long form
//for e.g. %userprofile% will be C:\Users\UserName
//for e.g. %systemroot% will be C:\Windows
expandedForm: ExpandedForm.YES,
//This can be any name from that target like JDK, PATH, GH_TOKEN, TEMP, TMP, etc.
name: 'PATH'
//Outputs the value of 'PATH' environment variable inside Machine target.
Create a new Environment Variable:
// ES6 Destructuring Assignment
const { Env, Target, SetOperationType } = require('windows-environment');
// This method needs admin privileges for successful execution.
// Here the return value is the exit code either 0 for success or 1 for failure.
let exitCode = Env.set({
//specifies the target, where to create the Environment Variable.
target: Target.USER,
//forcefully creates a new environment variable.
//if an environment variable already exists with the same name
//it simply overwrites it.
setOperationType: SetOperationType.NEW,
//the name of Environment Variable you want to create.
name: 'PATH',
//the value you want to give it.
//Note: semicolons (;) are used for separating two paths if you have only single value then no need to use semicolons.
value: 'F:\\Git\\PortableGit;C:\\Users\\Souleh\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Yarn\\bin'
//Use this line of code to know if operation was successful or not.
console.log((exitCode === 0) ? 'Operation was successful' : 'Operation failed!!!');
Append values to an already existing Environment Variable:
// ES6 Destructuring Assignment
const { Env, Target, SetOperationType } = require('windows-environment');
// This method needs admin privileges for successful execution.
// Here the return value is the exit code either 0 for success or 1 for failure.
let exitCode = Env.set({
//specifies the target, where to create the Environment Variable.
target: Target.MACHINE,
//forcefully creates a new environment variable.
//if an environment variable already exists with the same name
//it simply overwrites it.
setOperationType: SetOperationType.APPEND,
//the name of Environment Variable you want to modify.
name: 'PATH',
//the value you want to give it.
//Note: semicolons (;) are used for separating two paths if you have only single value then no need to use semicolons.
value: 'C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_202\\bin'
//Use this line of code to know if operation was successful or not.
console.log((exitCode === 0) ? 'Operation was successful' : 'Operation failed!!!');
Delete an Environment Variable by its name:
// ES6 Destructuring Assignment
const { Env, Target } = require('windows-environment');
// This method needs admin privileges for successful execution.
// Here the return value is the exit code either 0 for success or 1 for failure.
let exitCode = Env.del({
//specifies the target, form where to delete the Environment Variable.
target: Target.MACHINE,
//the name of Environment Variable you want to delete.
name: 'JAVA_HOME',
//Use this line of code to know if operation was successful or not.
console.log((exitCode === 0) ? 'Operation was successful' : 'Operation failed!!!');
Delete a single value from an already existing Environment Variable:
// ES6 Destructuring Assignment
const { Env, Target } = require('windows-environment');
// This method needs admin privileges for successful execution.
// Here the return value is the exit code either 0 for success or 1 for failure.
let exitCode = Env.del({
//specifies the target, form where to delete the Environment Variable.
target: Target.USER,
//the name of Environment Variable's value you want to delete.
name: 'PATH',
//Note the value is case-sensitive,
//if no matching value is found in the specified Environment Variable's value nothing will be deleted.
//Use this line of code to know if operation was successful or not.
console.log((exitCode === 0) ? 'Operation was successful' : 'Operation failed!!!');
Finds broken paths in an Environment Variable:
// ES6 Destructuring Assignment
const { Env, Target, ExtOperationType } = require('windows-environment');
// Here the return value is an array of strings
let returnValues = Env.ext({
//specifies the target i.e. to search for environment variables inside user target
target: Target.USER,
//finds all broken paths
extOperationType: ExtOperationType.BROKEN,
//name of the Environment Variable to find broken paths (the path which no longer exits on your File System).
name: 'MAVEN_HOME'
// As the return value is an array(iterable object) it can be iterated using a for...of loop
for(let iter of returnValues) {
Find duplicate values in an Environment Variable:
// ES6 Destructuring Assignment
const { Env, Target, ExtOperationType } = require('windows-environment');
// Here the return value is an array of strings
let returnValues = Env.ext({
//specifies the target i.e. to search for environment variables inside machine target
target: Target.MACHINE,
//finds all duplicates
extOperationType: ExtOperationType.DUPLICATES,
//name of the Environment Variable to finds duplicates values in.
name: 'PATH'
// As the return value is an array(iterable object) it can be iterated using a for...of loop
for(let iter of returnValues) {
Optimize an Environment Variable's value:
// ES6 Destructuring Assignment
const { Env, Target, ExtOperationType } = require('windows-environment');
// Here the return value is a string
let optimizedPath = Env.ext({
//specifies the target i.e. to search for environment variables inside user target
target: Target.USER,
//returns an optimized string removing any duplicates and broken paths
extOperationType: ExtOperationType.OPTIMIZE,
//name of the Environment Variable to optimize.
name: 'PATH'