
💬 Discussion forum application created with MERN stack. The application uses, REACT library for front end and MongoDB NoSQL database.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Discussion Forum using REACT

Discussion forums are like message boards were people socialize over a particular hobby or interest. This forum is about books and poems.

This is a MERN stack application with REST API. The application lets the user register to the forum and participate in discussions.


  • Registered user can Create Edit and Delete posts after earning certain points
  • Admin page- Admin can edit and delete anybody's post
  • Admin can choose to make the forum users as moderator or co-admins
  • Forum Moderator can edit anybody's post

Technologies Used:

  • ES6 Async & await feature
  • Database runs on MongoDB
  • Backend with Node.js and Express framework
  • REACT(functional component) frontend framework for the user interface
  • Bootstrap frontend CSS framework to create a responsive website

Live Deployment

Click here for the Heroku link - https://bookforum123.herokuapp.com/


click here for a video walkthrough - https://www.loom.com/share/84f61194112c43d9a2a81976f51550ac

Running it on local

  1. clone the project

    $ git clone https://github.com/nmoras/BookForum.git

  2. Switch to directory

    $ cd BookForum

  3. Install the dependencies

    • open server.js file in terminal, run the command - $ npm install
    • open 'client' folder in in terminal, run the command - $ npm install
  4. Run it on the local:

    • open 'client' folder in terminal enter the command - $ npm start
    • open server.js file in terminal, enter the command - $ node server.js

Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see it in action.


Create an account with your name, email and password to get started!