🚀 Github Blog 🚀

That is the challenge for Ignite Course from Rocketseat

We built a Simple Github Blog, to train our fundamentals about React and to test how to use Markdown on WebApp

It is totally responsive, so try to access in your phone too

👉 Link to Access: https://github-blog-hazel.vercel.app/

â–¶ How to start project

First you need to install and the dependencies and start the project

npm run install
npm run start

âš™ Config Section

🛠 Tools:

  • React - TypeScript
  • Styled Components
  • Font Awesome
  • React Markdown
  • Axios
  • Date FNS
  • Github API

✔ You can:

  • See all Post from My Repo
  • See the details from The Post that you clicked
    • See the body from a Markdown Type

📸 Screenshot Section

💻 Desktop Mode

Initial Page


Initial Page - List Section


Filter by Text


Detail Page


💻 Mobile Mode

Initial Page


initial Page - List Section


Detail Page


👉 Visit my linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pedrovdf/