A JSON object master file, hard-coded from the game itself, for use in web-based applications that can parse JSON data.
Within the main Vainglory JSON object, there is currently 1 usable data set (an items data set is planned in the future). This data is accessed with a key named heroes
// jQuery example of heroes key in use
var vainglory;
var vgGit = "https://gitcdn.link/repo/oberocks/vainglory-base-stats/master/vainglory.json";
var vgData = $.getJSON( vgGit, function(data) {
vainglory = data;
console.log('Number of Heroes: ' + vainglory.heroes.length);
// Pure JavaScript example of heroes key in use
var vainglory;
var vgGit = "https://gitcdn.link/repo/oberocks/vainglory-base-stats/master/vainglory.json";
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(request.readyState === 4) {
if(request.status === 200) {
vainglory = request.responseText;
console.log('Number of Heroes: ' + vainglory.heroes.length);
} else {
console.log('An error occurred during your request: ' + request.status + ' ' + request.statusText);
request.open('GET', vgGit);
The structure of the JSON data is the vainglory.json file is as follows:
- items
- heroes
- slug
- name
- thumb
- description
- stats
- health
- min
- max
- energy
- min
- max
- weapon
- min
- max
- atkspeed
- min
- max
- armor
- min
- max
- shield
- min
- max
- range
- movespeed
- health
- abilities
- heroicperk
- name
- thumb
- description
- a
- name
- thumb
- description
- stats
- name
- values
- ratios
- overdrive
- b
- name
- thumb
- description
- stats
- name
- values
- ratios
- overdrive
- c
- name
- thumb
- description
- stats
- name
- values
- ratios
- overdrive
- heroicperk
The data types you will get returned are formatted as follows:
- items (Coming Soon!)
- heroes
- slug (String)
- name (String)
- thumb (String)
- description (Array containing items that are either strings or 1 nested array of only strings)
- stats
- health
- min (Number)
- max (Number)
- energy
- min (Number)
- max (Number)
- weapon
- min (Number)
- max (Number)
- atkspeed
- min (Number)
- max (Number)
- armor
- min (Number)
- max (Number)
- shield
- min (Number)
- max (Number)
- range (Number)
- movespeed (Number)
- health
- abilities
- heroicperk
- name (String)
- thumb (String)
- description (Array containing items that are either strings or 1 nested array of only strings)
- a
- name (String)
- thumb (String)
- description (Array containing items that are either strings or 1 nested array of only strings)
- stats
- name (String)
- values (Array of 5 Numbers)
- ratios (Array of 2 Numbers)
- overdrive (Either a boolian false value or a Number match to a values array Number for this stat)
- b
- name (String)
- thumb (String)
- description (Array containing items that are either strings or 1 nested array of only strings)
- stats
- name (String)
- values (Array of 5 Numbers)
- ratios (Array of 2 Numbers)
- overdrive (Either a boolian false value or a Number match to a values array Number for this stat)
- c
- name (String)
- thumb (String)
- description (Array containing items that are either strings or 1 nested array of only strings)
- stats
- name (String)
- values (Array of 5 Numbers)
- ratios (Array of 2 Numbers)
- overdrive (Either a boolian false value or a Number match to a values array Number for this stat)
- heroicperk