Simple share screen software to share the main screen. at full screen size. currently work for windows only.
opencv any verion above 3.0.0
- you will need g++ and make install on your machine.
build the server and client: run the build.bat
(Optional). A public ip address which is being used allow specific remote connection. (default anyone can access).
(Optional). which port to listen to. (default 8888).
Remote machine ip (default - local machine).
Same as the remote machine port (default 8888).
server.exe -ip YOUR_BIND_IP -port YOUR_LISTEN_PORT
- [] linux support / mac.
- [] let the client control the remote screen with privilege.
- [] maintain 60fps (currently about 30fps).
- [] optimize CPU usage.
- [] h.264 support for better network and lentncy.
- [] multi user share using UDP