
A very simple app to demonstrate cluster autoscaling and dynamically creating Kubernetes jobs from an SQS queue.

Primary LanguageHCL


This is a simple demo app showing how to implement queue-based batch processing on Kubernetes, and optionally, cluster autoscaling.

It uses AWS EKS and AWS SQS.

Architecture overview

For each task to execute, a message is posted in the SQS queue. A custom controller (queue-watcher) watches that queue and receives these messages. In our examples below, this custom controller runs in a Deployment; but it can also run locally for development or testing. For each message, queue-watcher creates a Kubernetes Job, then deletes the message from the queue.

Then the Kubernetes Job controller kicks in, and runs the requested tasks in Pods. If enough Pods are created, they will fill up the available cluster capacity, causing new Pods to be in the "Pending" state. This will then trigger the cluster autoscaler to add more nodes.

Completed Jobs (both successful and failed) are not automatically deleted. This makes it possible to detect failed jobs and requeue them (examples will be provided).

How to run the demo

Part 1: the setup

Make sure that you have the required dependencies:

  • Terraform
  • envsubst (typically found in package gettext)
  • jq

Set the following environment variables:

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (unless your AWS CLI is already configured)
  • AWS_REGION (required)
  • AWS_ACCOUNT_ID (required)

If you don't know your account ID, you can see it with aws sts get-caller-identity (after configuring the AWS CLI, i.e. by setting the access key and secret access key environment variables).

Create the EKS cluster

The Terraform configuration in ./cluster defines an EKS cluster, node groups, and various accompanying AWS resources.


cd cluster
terraform init
terraform apply
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name default --alias default
cd ..

Note: this usually takes at least 10-15 minutes to complete.

Note: the name of the cluster (default in the example above) reflects the name of the Terraform workspace. If you want to deploy multiple clusters, you can change the Terraform workspace, and it should deploy another set of resources. In that case, you will also have to set the TF_VAR_cluster environment variable to the same value when running Terraform commands in the queue subdirectory.

Create the SQS queue

The Terraform configuration in ./queue creates an SQS queue and an IAM role with minimally scoped permissions.


cd queue
terraform init
terraform apply
export QUEUE_URL=$(terraform output -raw queue_url)  # Important! We will use this in other commands below.
cd ..

Note: the value of the namespace Terraform variable will be part of the queue URL, so if you want to create multiple queues, you can do so by setting the TF_VAR_namespace environment variable when running Terraform commands in the queue subdirectory. However, if you do that, you will need to adjust a few other manifests where that value might be hardcoded.

Start the queue-watcher controller

Now, we need to start the queue-watcher controller. Normally, we would build+push an image with the code of that controller; but to simplify things a bit, we are going to store the code of the controller in a ConfigMap, and use an image that has all the dependencies that we need. That way, we don't have to rely on an external image or a registry.

kubectl create configmap queue-watcher \
        --from-file=./controller \

We can now run the queue-watcher controller:

envsubst < controller/queue-watcher.yaml | kubectl apply -f-

(We need envsubst because that YAML manifest contains references to AWS_ACCOUNT_ID in order to set permissions properly.)

Part 2: light testing

Put a few messages in the queue:

aws sqs send-message --queue-url $QUEUE_URL \
    --message-body '{"target": "", "duration": "10"}'
aws sqs send-message --queue-url $QUEUE_URL \
    --message-body '{"target": "", "duration": "20"}'

Check that jobs and pods are created...

watch kubectl get jobs,pods

...And that the number of messages in the queue goes down.

aws sqs get-queue-attributes --queue-url $QUEUE_URL --attribute-names All

Completed jobs can be removed like this:

kubectl get jobs
  -o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.status.conditions[].type=="Complete")].metadata.name}' |
  xargs kubectl delete jobs

Note: the queue-watcher controller doesn't remove jobs automatically, so you may want to either patch it to remove completed jobs, or perhaps set up a CronJob to do it on a regular basis, or whatever suits your needs.

Part 3: handling job failures

Let's see what happens when we put some messages that will cause jobs to fail.

aws sqs send-message --queue-url $QUEUE_URL \
    --message-body '{"target": "this.is.invalid", "duration": "10"}'
aws sqs send-message --queue-url $QUEUE_URL \
    --message-body '{"target": "this.is.also.invalid", "duration": "10"}'

Look at the job status:

kubectl get jobs -o custom-columns=NAME:metadata.name,COMMAND:spec.template.spec.containers[0].command,STATUS:status.conditions[0].type

At some point, the "invalid" jobs will show a status of Failed.

We can list them with the following command:

kubectl get jobs \

Requeueing failed jobs

We can requeue a single failed job like this:

TASK=$(kubectl get job $JOBNAME -o jsonpath={.metadata.annotations.task})
aws sqs send-message --queue-url $QUEUE_URL --message-body "$TASK"
kubectl delete job $JOBNAME

And we can combine the two previous steps to requeue all failed jobs:

for JOBNAME in $(
  kubectl get jobs \
); do
  TASK=$(kubectl get job $JOBNAME -o jsonpath={.metadata.annotations.task})
  aws sqs send-message --queue-url $QUEUE_URL --message-body "$TASK"
  kubectl delete job $JOBNAME

Note: the queue-watcher controller doesn't automatically requeue jobs, because Kubernetes already retries jobs multiple times. If a job ends in Failed state, it means that it probably requires some human intervention before retrying it!

Part 4: cluster autoscaling

Assuming that the cluster is using t3.medium nodes (2 cpu, 4 GB of memory), and that the job spec requests 0.1 CPU and 100 MB of memory, each node can accomodate a bit less than 20 pods.

If we create 100 tasks, we should see cluster autoscaling.

for i in $(seq 100); do
  aws sqs send-message --queue-url $QUEUE_URL \
    --message-body '{"target": "", "duration": "10"}'

Check nodes, showing their node group, too:

watch kubectl get nodes -L eks.amazonaws.com/nodegroup

Note: there is one node group per availability zone, and each node group has a max size of 3, so assuming the default of 3 availability zones, you may be able to get up to 9 nodes.

You can also view AWS autoscaling activity:

watch "aws autoscaling describe-scaling-activities --output=table" \
      "--query 'Activities | sort_by(@, &StartTime)[].

Normally, you should see a few nodes come up; and after all the jobs are completed, the nodes will eventually be shut down.

Part 5: clean up

Delete the queue:

cd queue
terraform destroy
cd ..

Delete the cluster:

cd cluster
terraform destroy
cd ..

You might need manual cleanup for the following:

  • entries in your ~/.kube/config
  • any CloudWatch log groups that have been created automatically

Miscellanous bits and ends

SSH access

If you want to be able to connect to nodes with SSH, set TF_VAR_public_key to the desired public key (in OpenSSH format), then plan/apply in the cluster directory.

Availability zones

Node groups are created in the 3 standard AWS availability zones (abc) by default. To change this, set your desired AZs like so:

export TF_VAR_availability_zones='["a", "b"]'

Then plan/apply in the cluster directory.

Warning: due to particularities of the Terraform Helm provider, changing values that result in cluster replacement (e.g. changing the value of var.availability_zones) after the cluster resources have been created will cause errors regarding Helm resources during planning. In this case, do a targeted apply first, like: terraform apply -target aws_eks_cluster.current.

Purging the SQS queue

If you accidentally added a bunch of garbage in the queue and want to purge it in a pinch:

aws sqs purge-queue --queue-url $QUEUE_URL

Discussion on failed job management

When processing a message queue, it is common to have a "dead letter queue" where messages end up if they fail to be processed correctly. But there are some downsides to this.

We see two main strategies to manage retries:

1. Using an SQS deadletter queue

With this approach, the consumer would receive messages from the queue, and it would not immediately delete them.

  • When a message is received from the queue, it becomes invisible to other consumers for a short period of time (default is 30 seconds).
  • When the consumer has processed the message, it deletes the message.
  • If the consumer needs more than 30 seconds to process the message, it can change the visibility of the message (essentially telling the queue "I need more time to work on this; do not make that message visible to other consumers yet").
  • If the consumer fails to change the visibility of the message before the timeout, the message becomes visible again, and can be received by another consumer.
  • If a message is received too many times (according to the maxReceiveCount queue attribute), it eventually gets moved to the dead letter queue, where it can be inspected to figure out why nobody was able to process it.

It doesn't require storing message state anywhere else than in SQS. This is well-suited for purely stateless queue consumers.


If the messages need a lot of processing time, the consumers need to either:

a) know in advance how long it will take to process a message, or
b) set a short visibility timeout initially, and then regularly push back the timeout while processing is still underway.

If jobs are not really time-sensitive, and they all take roughly the same amount of time, option a is sufficient: the visibility timeout can be set in the receive-message request directly, or just after (e.g. via aws sqs change-message-visibility).

If jobs must be processed as quickly as possible, or have variable processing times, or you don't want a failed message to have to reach the default visibility timeout before being retried, option b would be necessary. This would require either adding some logic to the worker code, or running a "visibility timeout updater" process in parallel to the worker code. In this way, messages whose processing has failed would reappear in the queue as soon as their visibility timeout has expired, so retries will happen relatively quickly.

2. Keeping track of failed Kubernetes jobs

In this case, the consumer would receive messages from the queue, and for each message, it would submit a job to a batch processing system (in our case, Kubernetes is the batch processing system), and immediately delete it from the queue. If a message processing fails, the message never ends up in the SQS dead letter queue; instead, it ends up showing an error state in our batch processing system. (In our case, that's a Kubernetes Job with a "Failed" condition.)


The worker code doesn't need to be aware of SQS and the message visibility timeouts.


This method requires that:

  • our batch processing system persists failed jobs (i.e. failed jobs aren't automatically deleted)
  • we can store enough information in the job's metadata to recreate it or put it back in the queue if it fails.

Which one is best?

They both have merits. In a system where Kubernetes is only one of many consumers for the queue, or where Kubernetes clusters are considered to be ephemeral, it would be better to leverage the SQS dead letter queue. In a "Kubernetes-centric" system, or potentially when using multiple queues, or trying to be agnostic to the type of queue used, it would be better to not leverage the SQS queue.