
GEO scrapy spiders

Primary LanguagePython


crawl all GEO metadata, features:

  1. crawl platforms
  2. crawl samples
  3. crawl series
  4. incremental crawling
  5. missed crawling

Table of Contents

  1. installation
  2. output file format
  3. logs
  4. platforms
  5. samples
  6. series


pip install geo-spider

output file format

geo-spider saves files in jsonlines form, Refer to this site for details.


geo-spider default generate logs to geo-spider.log(current directory) in WARNING level, you can customize by -d and -l options.

  1. -d to enable debug mode
  2. -l specify customized log file
geo-spider -d -l new-geo-spider.log <sub-command>


platforms denovo crawling

geo-spider platforms -o platforms.jl

platforms incremental crawling

If you have a crawled platforms jsonlines file:

geo-spider platforms -cf platforms.jl -o new-platforms.jl

If you have multiple platforms jsonlines files:

geo-spider platforms -cd platforms -o new-platforms.jl

platforms missed crawling

Specify -cf or -cd like incremental crawling, add a -m option.

geo-spider platforms -cf platforms.jl -m missed -o new-platforms.jl


samples denovo crawling

geo-spider samples -o samples.jl

samples incremental crawling

geo-spider samples -pcf platforms.jl -cf samples.jl -o new-samples.jl

samples missed crawling

geo-spider samples -pcf platforms.jl -cf samples.jl -m missed -o new-samples.jl


series denovo crawling

geo-spider series -o series.jl

series incremental crawling

geo-spider series -pcf platforms.jl -scf samples.jl -cf series.jl -o new-series.jl

series missed crawling

geo-spider series -pcf platforms.jl -scf samples.jl -cf series.jl -m missed -o new-series.jl