
An ionic/angular select drawer to be used with strings or objects which is developed in web technologies but looks similar to native


An ionic/angular select drawer to be used with strings or objects which is developed in web technologies but looks similar to native.


  • Angular 1.*


alt tag alt tag


  • Add CSS and JS to project:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="wherever-you-put-it/ionSelectPicker.min.css">

<script type="text/javascript" src="wherever-you-put-it/ionSelectPicker.min.js"></script>

Add dependencies on the ion-select-picker AngularJS module:

angular.module('myApp', ['ion-pickers']);

You can now use the directive, add the attribute to your existing DOM element in HTML:

<input type="text" ng-model="value" items="myItems" ion-select-picker>

Directive Attributes

  • items - an array of items to display as options
  • id (optional) - Give a unique id to the bound element and drawer will be named {{id}}-drawer
  • ng-model (optional) - Define the model to bind the selected value to. the value of the model is displayed once drawer is open
  • ng-model-display-value (optional) - Define how to display the value in ngModel, in case it differs from actual model or ngValue
  • ng-value (optional) - If using objects instead of string values in the component define attribute of object that will be displayed as an option. If no ngModelDisplayValue set will also be used as disaplayed ngModel value
  • ng-change (optional) - method called after the value has been set
  • sensitivity (optional) - Define the scroll sensitivity
  • openPartScreenDrawerBarrier (optional) - define the device height in pixels where any value higher than it will open drawer partially and not full screen. use 0 to always open as parital drawer. default is 420px
  • ngDefault (optional) - if ng-model is null then the selector drawer opens on this item as selected
  • isClickSelect (optional) - if set to true, when user clicks element it will be selected and drawer closed. Default is false
  • control (optional) - control element to control directive from outside (see notes for details)
  • hasClear (optional) - Whether drawer has clear button or not, if does value set to zero
  • deleteOnClose (optional) - Whether to remove DOM elements and event registration on close of drawer. Better user with many drawers that have a large number of elements Default is false
  • bindingStrategy (optional) - Use different binding strategies to deal with large element list lag when opening drawer, can be set to one of the values: 'early'/'stages'/'regular' (see below). Default is "regular"
  • onSet (optional) - event fired when set button clicked, model is set value. Has two params oldValue and newValue, If returning false from method set canceled. IMPORTANT: only pass method name without brackets
  • onCancel (optional) - event fired when cancel button clicked. IMPORTANT: only pass method name without brackets
  • onClear (optional) - event fired when clear button clicked. IMPORTANT: only pass method name without brackets

Example with objects

$scope.myitems = [
    { id: 90210 stringValue: "Beverly Hills"},
    { id: 42 stringValue: "The answer to life"}

and in html:

<input type="text" ng-model="myModel" items="myItems" ng-value="stringValue" ion-select-picker>


Valid values:

  • Make sure you if using objects to set ng-Value to an existing property of items
  • items attribute is mandatory, make sure to set it to a valid collection
  • bindingStrategy values: 'early' - will create and bind drawer immediately upon creating of directive, prior to any attempt to open drawer. Relevant only for first creation of directive instance 'stages' - will open drawer with disabled list on current element, and after the whole list is loaded scroll will become enabled. Relevant only for first open of specific drawer 'regular' - Default. Create whole list upon attempt to open drawer doing the heavy lifting then and make scrolling available immediately upon drawer open
  • Control methods which can be called:
  • openDrawer - opens the drawer
  • closeDrawer - closes the drawer
  • getCurrentSelection - returns the current value displayed as selected in select drawer
  • isDrawerOpen - is the drawer currently open or not
  • prepareDom - use to manually issue a creation of DOM elements which can be costly. Will do nothing if DOM element already exists. Do not use with 'early' binding strategy

Purchase Link


What's included

Upon purchase you'll receive a minimized js file and minimized css for immediate use


Use only by person/business specified in payment for one or more end products TODO