

A social media app for movies, games and tv series reviews

The app allows you to review movies, games and tv shows. It allows you to follow users and your feed shows the latest reviews by users.It has a login feature.

Starting the Project

  1. Create a virtual environment with venv (install virtualenv, if its not installed).

    venv reviewbook
  2. Clone the project in the virtual environment directory.

    cd freemex
    git clone
  3. Activate the virtual environemnt.

    For Linux/Mac OSX

    source bin/activate

    For Windows

  4. Install the requirements.

    cd reviewbook
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run the Migrations

    python makemigrations
    python migrate
  6. Run the development server

    python runserver
  7. Head to server http://localhost:8000

  8. Add Few Movies, Games and Tv shows in their respective models to display them. Enjoy!

For contributors

ReviewBook uses the following technologies:

  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript
  • Pyhton(Django)

If you want to contribute to this project, then have a look here