
Scans the official Government website and throws notifications to Slack when new cases arise (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)

Primary LanguagePython

CoronaVirus Bot for India (Covid19)

Corona SlackBot by rachitiitr

YouTube Demo

  • Check the demo for how this works on YouTube here.


  • Sit back and relax - the coronavirus updates will come to you.
  • Get Slack notifications (picture below)
    • New Corona Virus cases happening in India
    • How many Indian nationals have Corona Virus per State?
    • How many deaths happened per State?
    • The new States entering the corona zone like Chattisgarh
  • Too many updates? Subscribe only to the states that you want.
  • Its reliable - the source of data is official Government site (here)
  • Its ROBUST!
    • What if script fails? What if the Govt website changes format?
    • You get Slack notifications about the exceptions too.
    • You have log files (check bot.log) too, to evaluate what went wrong
  • Don't like a feature? Change it! Raise a Pull Request too 😉


  • You need Python
  • You need a Slack account + Slack Webhook to send slack notifications to your account
  • Install dependencies by running
pip install tabulate
pip install requests
pip install beautifulsoup4
  • Clone this repo and create auth.py
git clone https://github.com/rachitiitr/coronovirus-bot-tracker.git
cd coronovirus-bot-tracker
touch auth.py
  • Write your Slack Webhook into auth.py
DEFAULT_SLACK_WEBHOOK = 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/<your custome webhook url>'
  • Setup the cron job to receive updates whenever something changes
crontab -e # opens an editor like vim or nano
# now write the following to run the bot every 5 mins
*/5 * * * * cd $PATH_TO_CLONE_DIR; python3 corona_bot.py --states 'haryana,maharashtra'
# to receive updates for all states, ignore the --states flag