
Mobile application, developed using Unity and Vuforia, allows you to experience an augmented reality car model.

Primary LanguageC#


Welcome to the Vuforia App! This mobile application, developed using Unity and Vuforia, allows you to experience an augmented reality car model. The app detects an image marker and projects the 3D model onto it.



  1. Clone the repository: https://github.com/soumya-maheshwari/Vuforia_App.git

  2. Open Unity and navigate to the project folder.

  3. Install the required dependencies.

  4. Build the project for your desired platform (iOS, Android, etc.).

  5. Deploy the app to your device and enjoy the AR car model!


  1. Launch the app on your mobile device.
  2. Ensure the device's camera is enabled and pointed towards a flat surface.
  3. Hold the device over the image marker, making sure it is clearly visible within the camera view.
  4. The car model will be projected onto the image marker.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or bug reports, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

Here's the apk link