Unix Tools

Basic Unix Tools like WordCount,Head,Tail,Uniq,Cut,Sort Done and ReduceSpace is Done with Java.

wc :

Stands for word count, wc displays a count of lines, words, and characters in a file.
* sgWc.sh filename


Head gives the first n lines from the given files.

* sgHead.sh filename -[Number of lines]


Tail gives the first n lines from the given files.

* sgTail.sh filename -[Number of lines]


Filters out the adjacent repeated lines in a file.

* sgUniq.sh Filename

cut :

Filters and gives the asked columns in given file.

* sgCut.sh filename FieldNumber [OPTIONS .. delimeter]


Sorts the lines in a file according to given options: -r for reverse; -n for numeric sort. without options sort default by alphabet.

* sgSort.sh Filename [OPTIONS..]


Reduces more than one occurrences of blank spaces into one. Takes a input file and writes into another file.

* sgReduceSpace.sh InputFile outputFile