
Have you practiced your mobile flashcards today? :card_index: :dart:

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Mobile Flashcard is a complete solution to practise and remember what you learned. Whether you want to study for an upcoming exam, want to make sure you retain what you learned or just want to practise remembering things, this app is with you on your journey.

This mobile application allows users to study collections of flashcards, create different categories of flashcards called "decks", add flashcards to those decks, then take quizzes on those decks.

Platform Supported

Mobile flash card has been developed and tested with only iOS Users in mind. Currently the platform support is only iOS


Pre-requisites for the following setup:

  1. You must have an iPhone mobile or xcode simulator.
  2. Install expo app from App store for mobile.
  3. For further details of expo setup, refer this link and follow the setup -> https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/

Steps to get this app working on local.

  1. Clone the repo using git clone <click on green clone or download button on github and paste the contents>
  2. Install project dependencies using npm install or yarn install
  3. Run server locally using npm start or yarn start. This should open a browser with a bar code.
  4. Open your camera app on iphone and move the camera in front of the barcode. If you have already installed expo app, this should pull up your app on expo


The _DATA.js file represents a fake database that let you access the data. There is one type of objects stored in our database:

  1. data


data include:

Attribute Type Description
id Integer The deck's unique identifier
title String The deck’s title
questions Array A list of ids of question and answers
question Object The object's keys are question. The value of each key is the question text.
answer Object The object's keys are answer. The value of each key is the answer text.

The code will talk to the database via 4 methods:

  • getDecks()
  • getDeck(id)
  • saveDecktitle(title)
  • saveQuestionForDeck(deckId, card)
  1. getDecks() Method

Description: Get all of the existing decks from the database.
Return Value: Parsed JSON

  1. getDeck() Method

Description: Get the matching deck with the id passed in as argument from the database.
Return Value: Parsed JSON deck with matching id.

  1. saveDeckTitle() Method

Description: Add a new deck with the title argument passed in the database.
Return Value: Parsed JSON new created and added deck. More details about these properties:

Attribute Type Description
id String The id of the deck randomly generated
title String The title of the deck
questions Array Empty array
  1. addQuestionToDeck() Method

Description: Take in two arguments deckId and card, adds it to the deck matching the deckId and save it in the database. Return Value: Parsed Json that contains the following properties: id, title, question and answer. More details about these properties:

Attribute Type Description
id String The id of the deck randomly generated
title String The title of the deck
questions Array Includes objects with question and answer
question Object Object with the key question and question text as value
questions Object Object with the key answer and answer text as value