
Primary LanguagePython



Maintainability Github Actions Status Github Actions Status Test Coverage


toprepos — a web service that uses the Github REST API and provides an API with information about the most popular user repositories.



Use the following command to install app:

poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
make install

Local testing

Use the following commands to test the app:

make test
make lint


Toprepos uses GITHUB API to get information. Unauthenticated GITHUB clients can make limit number of requests per hour. To get more requests per hour, you'll need to authenticate. To do that, add a .env file in the root directory of the project (/toprepos). Template of the file content:



Being in the root directory of the project (/toprepos), use the following commands to run the app:

export FLASK_APP=./toprepos/app.py
poetry shell
make run

Now, you can send GET requests to to get information about the most popular user repositories in json.

Request template:


Also, you can change number of repositories, which response will contain, using URL's query string parameter "limit". For example:

HTTP GET /api/top/mokevnin?limit=4

      "html_url": "https://github.com/mokevnin/dotfiles", 
      "id": 20793939, 
      "name": "dotfiles", 
      "stars": 265
      "html_url": "https://github.com/mokevnin/you-don-t-know-oop", 
      "id": 86457982, 
      "name": "you-don-t-know-oop", 
      "stars": 174
      "html_url": "https://github.com/mokevnin/railsify", 
      "id": 10367628, 
      "name": "railsify", 
      "stars": 98
      "html_url": "https://github.com/mokevnin/ipgeobase", 
      "id": 3427771, 
      "name": "ipgeobase", 
      "stars": 64


If you have questions you can email me to yudaev1@gmail.com


This project was built using these tools:

Tool Description
flask "Lightweight WSGI web application framework."
aiohttp "Automatization software workflows with CI/CD"
requests "Simple HTTP library for Python"
poetry "Python dependency management and packaging made easy"
flake8 "The tool for style guide enforcement"
code climate "Actionable metrics for engineering"
github actions "Asynchronous HTTP Client/Server for asyncio and Python"