
FiFi is a File Fixer library that can be used to make consistent Line Endings, File Encoding and Remove Invalid ASCII characters. It provides an easy to use Fluent API's that can be easily setup and called in couple of lines of code. FiFi is based on .NET standard and can run in Windows, Mac, and Unix.

Primary LanguageC#


FiFi is a File Fixer library that can be used to fix files for the following

  • consistent Line Endings,
  • File Encoding
  • Remove Invalid ASCII characters.

It provides an easy to use Fluent API's that can be easily setup and called in couple of lines of code. FiFi is based on .NET standard 2.1 and can run in .NET Core 3.0 and .NET Core 4.6.1 or above


            //First define the list of files that you want to fix
            var fileSources = FileSources.New()
                .Add(directory, "*.cs")
                .Add(new[] {"/users/duck/boo.bar","/opt/exe/foo.sh"});

            //Now configure FiFi with the list of fixers to run on the files mentioned above
            var runner = FiFiRunner.New()

                foreach(var result in runner.FileResults) //Enumerate all files that failed to perform
                    foreach(var fixer in result.Fixers) //Enumerate all the fixers for a file that failed

The above code fragment will take the list of files and run the fixers on those files. The fixers configured in the above file are Encoding, InvalidChars and LineEndings. You can ignore a fixer by not calling it (ignoring it). When complete, you can enumerate through the results and see what succeeded and failed , exceptions etc.,

Functionality Overview

FiFi is originally written to fix the issues with version controlled code bases, where the source code has

  1. Multiple line endings
  2. Multiple Encodings
  3. Invalid ASCII characters in source files. (when clipboarding things into strings / other literals)

By default all the fixers are disabled. When configuring the Runner, each one of them can be enabled with appropriate configuration.

Multiple Line endings

The Line Ending Fixer need to be enabled by calling the FixLineEndings method on FiFiRunner. Refer the Usage section. The FixLineEndings method take a line ending as input and will try to convert all the input files to the given line ending. See the Support Matrix section for a list of supported input and output line ending formats.

Multiple Encodings

The Encoding Fixer need to be enabled by calling the FixEncoding method on FiFiRunner. Refer the Usage section. The FixEncoding method takes a target Encoding as input and will try to convert all the input files to the given encoding format. Remember that the content is not modified (or) parsed to support the target encoding. FiFi uses the native System.IO.StreamWriter API's to convert encodings.

Invalid Characters (ASCII characters)

The Invalid chars fixer need to be enabled by calling the FixInvalidCharacters() method on FiFiRunner. This doesn't take any input, but when enabled it will remove all the characters other than ASCII 0 to 127. The input encoding is treated as is and only the characters are intrepreted. ** WARNING : As of now FixInvalidCharacters only supports ASCII characters


This is a community package and i don't hold any accountability for the code, it's success and failures. Use it with your own discreation. I don't mind if oyou fork and use it by yourself.