
DO NOT USE, USE ORGINAL. ISSUE FIXED. | PS2 Build. Fixing issues by following the instructions at: https://github.com/fgsfdsfgs/sm64-port/issues/77#issuecomment-1334127828. Also includes an iso builder(BETA) ;)

Primary LanguageC

The original build seems to have been fixed.

I will try it out, and will archive this in a day, but there's no need for this repo since that should have better performance overall, and more benefits. Thanks for the support!

It appears that the fixed original build has some saving issues, so I will keep this up, and not archive it.

Super Mario 64 Port

  • This repo contains a full decompilation of Super Mario 64 (J), (U), and (E) with minor exceptions in the audio subsystem.
  • Naming and documentation of the source code and data structures are in progress.
  • Efforts to decompile the Shindou ROM steadily advance toward a matching build.
  • Beyond Nintendo 64, it can also target Linux and Windows natively.

This repo does not include all assets necessary for compiling the game. A prior copy of the game is required to extract the assets. This is an older Build from August 4th, 2021, the newer ones have various issues while running on native hardware, and more.

Building PS2 executables

Using Github Codespaces(Forker's Recommendation)

  1. On desktop github web, you will see a code tab. image
  2. Click on it and go to codespaces tab. image
  3. Delete any existing ones on the same brach by clicking on the three dots(optional)
  4. Click on the button to create a new instance. image
  5. When it loads up, follow docker instructions from step 2 till 4.

Using Docker

  1. Ensure Git and Docker are installed on your system.
  2. Check out repo, submodules, etc:
git clone https://github.com/fgsfdsfgs/sm64-port.git -b ps2 --recursive
cd sm64-port
  1. Copy in your baserom.XX.z64: cp /path/to/baserom.us.z64 .
  2. Build Docker image: docker build . -t sm64_ps2
  3. Compile using your Docker image: docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/sm64 sm64_ps2 make --jobs 4

You can automatically make an iso with minimal effort with: https://github.com/sounddrill31/sm64-port#building-an-iso

Manually under Linux (WSL not tested, MSYS2 probably won't work)

  1. Ensure Git, GCC, GNU Make and Python 3 are installed on your system:
# for example on Ubuntu
sudo apt update

sudo apt install -y git build-essential python3 gcc-mingw-w64
  1. Ensure PS2SDK and GSKit are installed on your system and the environmental variables PS2SDK and GSKIT are defined and PS2SDK is in your PATH. You can follow the installation instructions in the ps2dev repo, or you can get the latest stable binaries and use them:
wget https://github.com/ps2dev/ps2dev/releases/download/v1.2.0/ps2dev-ubuntu-latest.tar.gz
tar xvzf ps2dev-ubuntu-latest.tar.gz
export PATH="$(pwd)/ps2dev/ee/bin:$(pwd)/ps2dev/iop/bin:$(pwd)/sm64-port/tools:${PATH}"
export PS2SDK=$(pwd)/ps2dev/ps2sdk
export GSKIT=$(pwd)/ps2dev/gsKit
  1. Check out repo, submodules, etc:
git clone https://github.com/fgsfdsfgs/sm64-port.git -b ps2 --recursive
cd sm64-port
  1. Copy in your baserom.XX.z64: cp /path/to/baserom.us.z64 .
  2. Compile: make -j4

In both cases, the resulting ELF will be in build/<region>_ps2/.

You can automatically make an iso with minimal effort with: https://github.com/sounddrill31/sm64-port#building-an-iso

(Optional) Strip and pack resulting ELF:

ee-strip --strip-all build/us_ps2/sm64.us.f3dex2e.elf
ps2-packer build/us_ps2/sm64.us.f3dex2e.elf build/us_ps2/sm64.packed.elf

Remember that packed ELFs will take a while to unpack before starting.

If you get audsrv build error, github messed up a recursive clone.

To fix it, run the following comamnds in the sm64-port folder. This has been fixed by deleting linked folder and manually uploading, this should not be an issue. Leaving solution for debugging.

cd ps2

rm-rf ps2-audrsv

git clone https://github.com/fgsfdsfgs/ps2-audsrv.git

cd ..

Building native executables


  1. Install prerequisites (Ubuntu): sudo apt install -y git build-essential pkg-config libusb-1.0-0-dev libsdl2-dev.
  2. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/sm64-port/sm64-port.git, which will create a directory sm64-port and then enter it cd sm64-port.
  3. Place a Super Mario 64 ROM called baserom.<VERSION>.z64 into the repository's root directory for asset extraction, where VERSION can be us, jp, or eu.
  4. Run make to build. Qualify the version through make VERSION=<VERSION>. Add -j4 to improve build speed (hardware dependent based on the amount of CPU cores available).
  5. The executable binary will be located at build/<VERSION>_pc/sm64.<VERSION>.f3dex2e.


  1. Install and update MSYS2, following all the directions listed on https://www.msys2.org/.
  2. From the start menu, launch MSYS2 MinGW and install required packages depending on your machine (do NOT launch "MSYS2 MSYS"):
  • 64-bit: Launch "MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit" and install: pacman -S git make python3 mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc
  • 32-bit (will also work on 64-bit machines): Launch "MSYS2 MinGW 32-bit" and install: pacman -S git make python3 mingw-w64-i686-gcc
  • Do NOT by mistake install the package called simply gcc.
  1. The MSYS2 terminal has a current working directory that initially is C:\msys64\home\<username> (home directory). At the prompt, you will see the current working directory in yellow. ~ is an alias for the home directory. You can change the current working directory to My Documents by entering cd /c/Users/<username>/Documents.
  2. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/sm64-port/sm64-port.git, which will create a directory sm64-port and then enter it cd sm64-port.
  3. Place a Super Mario 64 ROM called baserom.<VERSION>.z64 into the repository's root directory for asset extraction, where VERSION can be us, jp, or eu.
  4. Run make to build. Qualify the version through make VERSION=<VERSION>. Add -j4 to improve build speed (hardware dependent based on the amount of CPU cores available).
  5. The executable binary will be located at build/<VERSION>_pc/sm64.<VERSION>.f3dex2e.exe inside the repository.


  1. If you get make: gcc: command not found or make: gcc: No such file or directory although the packages did successfully install, you probably launched the wrong MSYS2. Read the instructions again. The terminal prompt should contain "MINGW32" or "MINGW64" in purple text, and NOT "MSYS".
  2. If you get Failed to open baserom.us.z64! you failed to place the baserom in the repository. You can write ls to list the files in the current working directory. If you are in the sm64-port directory, make sure you see it here.
  3. If you get make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop., you are not in the correct directory. Make sure the yellow text in the terminal ends with sm64-port. Use cd <dir> to enter the correct directory. If you write ls you should see all the project files, including Makefile if everything is correct.
  4. If you get any error, be sure MSYS2 packages are up to date by executing pacman -Syu and pacman -Su. If the MSYS2 window closes immediately after opening it, restart your computer.
  5. When you execute gcc -v, be sure you see Target: i686-w64-mingw32 or Target: x86_64-w64-mingw32. If you see Target: x86_64-pc-msys, you either opened the wrong MSYS start menu entry or installed the incorrect gcc package.


The code can be debugged using gdb. On Linux install the gdb package and execute gdb <executable>. On MSYS2 install by executing pacman -S winpty gdb and execute winpty gdb <executable>. The winpty program makes sure the keyboard works correctly in the terminal. Also consider changing the -mwindows compile flag to -mconsole to be able to see stdout/stderr as well as be able to press Ctrl+C to interrupt the program. In the Makefile, make sure you compile the sources using -g rather than -O2 to include debugging symbols. See any online tutorial for how to use gdb.

ROM building

It is possible to build N64 ROMs as well with this repository. See https://github.com/n64decomp/sm64 for instructions.

Project Structure

├── actors: object behaviors, geo layout, and display lists
├── asm: handwritten assembly code, rom header
│   └── non_matchings: asm for non-matching sections
├── assets: animation and demo data
│   ├── anims: animation data
│   └── demos: demo data
├── bin: C files for ordering display lists and textures
├── build: output directory
├── data: behavior scripts, misc. data
├── doxygen: documentation infrastructure
├── enhancements: example source modifications
├── include: header files
├── levels: level scripts, geo layout, and display lists
├── lib: SDK library code
├── rsp: audio and Fast3D RSP assembly code
├── sound: sequences, sound samples, and sound banks
├── src: C source code for game
│   ├── audio: audio code
│   ├── buffers: stacks, heaps, and task buffers
│   ├── engine: script processing engines and utils
│   ├── game: behaviors and rest of game source
│   ├── goddard: Mario intro screen
│   ├── menu: title screen and file, act, and debug level selection menus
│   └── pc: port code, audio and video renderer
├── text: dialog, level names, act names
├── textures: skybox and generic texture data
└── tools: build tools

Building an ISO.

Follow the instructions, and after finishing with building(do not pack elf), run the following command: sudo chmod +x isobuild.sh && ./isobuild.sh There will be a file called sm64.iso in the base directory if everything went well.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Run clang-format on your code to ensure it meets the project's coding standards.

Official Discord: https://discord.gg/7bcNTPK

Credits for this fork:

The Developers of the sm64 Decompilation

The Developers of the Original PS2 Port




And all other really nice people from the issues tab of original port