- 8
Attack attribute broken in style
#148 opened by SavagingSky - 1
- 0
Solve wait delay per character for numbers
#152 opened by majoz-cz - 3
- 1
switch from imp module to importlib
#154 opened by lilmike - 1
- 3
cx_freeze makes valid macOS build
#145 opened by paxcoder - 2
Sight and special range corrections
#149 opened by SavagingSky - 0
- 0
Add option to create densse_store of any resource
#142 opened by sanslash332 - 0
add required_mods keyword to maps
#141 opened by sanslash332 - 1
my map is tracebacking whole game lol.
#140 opened by paxcoder - 2
Can't Change Server Name in Debian 11
#138 opened by slannon97 - 4
- 2
- 6
allow to add an AI to computer_only units on maps
#136 opened by sanslash332 - 4
Much lag
#134 opened by DalisonCPU - 2
Bug: Map Editor deletes global_food_limit
#131 opened by MatejGolian - 1
Please add accessible_output2 as a submodule
#130 opened by stormdragon2976 - 2
Compiling on Fedora 32 using Python 3 fails
#129 opened by Finnboy94 - 3
In certain maps (like CAN1) units sometimes pause between squares when moving
#127 opened by Finnboy94 - 2
Loading maps in server crashes on Fedora 32
#126 opened by Finnboy94 - 1
- 0
Creating a public Telegram chat to discuss the game
#125 opened by kranid - 0
allow different sight_ranges for each unit
#124 opened by sanslash332 - 0
add is_buildable_on_exits option
#123 opened by sanslash332 - 2
SoundRTS can not use screenreader api
#117 opened by kranid - 8
Migration to python3
#110 opened by francipvb - 1
Add more server features
#119 opened by slannon97 - 0
Unable to run Sound RTS on Ubuntu Mate 18.04 LTS
#122 opened by slannon97 - 1
Unit improvements
#121 opened by slannon97 - 0
Add additional information for transportation units
#120 opened by slannon97 - 3
- 3
Loading Boats Does not Work
#114 opened by MatejGolian - 6
sometimes the game slows down too much
#98 opened by soundmud - 5
the game cannot use the latest versions of JAWS
#100 opened by soundmud - 0
Add recent changes mentioned in the development blog
#112 opened by Schnuppi - 3
complete the "continuous space" experiment
#105 opened by soundmud - 1
- 0
- 1
include the AI improvements from June 2016
#101 opened by soundmud - 0
allow a player to start with buildings and units in several squares in multiplayer maps
#96 opened by soundmud - 2
follow the slowest unit in a group
#109 opened by sanslash332 - 2
add enemi buildings to the ctrl+tab filter
#107 opened by sanslash332 - 1
upgradeable blocking path buildings problem.
#106 opened by sanslash332 - 0
- 1
add effect_target_type (like harm_target_type) parameter ally / own / enemy
#104 opened by sanslash332 - 1
add effect_range to object of effect class.
#103 opened by sanslash332 - 1
Is implemented effect_range as numbers?
#102 opened by sanslash332 - 0
automatically resynchronize drifted worlds
#95 opened by soundmud