
An Advanced and versatile tool scans through your network and finds devices and gives extensive information about that.

Primary LanguageGo

IT Network Asset Mgmt Script

An Advanced and versatile tool who scans through your network, and find devices and gives an extensive information about that. At the initial stage I am focusing upon a CLI based application tool, later will think to build GUI.


Codebase Description
gorun Concurrent Golang script for asset scanning
javaist Currently developing Asset scanner using Java 11

What Is Remote Procedure Call?

In distributed computing, a remote procedure call is when a computer program causes a procedure to execute in a different address space, which is coded as if it were a normal procedure call, without the programmer explicitly coding the details for the remote interaction. (source: WikiPedia)


Workflows WIP 🤞

  • Network CIDR support (eg:
  • Scans all devices over network.
  • Detect what type of device is it.
  • Also check which ports are open.
  • Device information
  • Extensive information like which software are installed on that machines
  • IPParsing and Junk Remote RPC connection check.
  • Send RPC Syn-Ping b/w devices and then background script execution started.
  • Saving all alive host machines and installed software details in a payload file in jsonStructObject in GO.
  • Synchronizing Multiple Go-Routines and Light weight Thead support.
  • Optimising the Load of execution.

Workflows TODOs ⭐

  • Synchronizing with active channels and cancel them.
  • Optimizing load while execution

Technology Used 🔥

Currently I have not yet figure it out how will I build the idea into production ready application. Just a thought - GO will be a better choice or the other.