
"RL Hair shader" doesn't receive light from the Spot Light (Second Light) on mobile (Android Build).

Opened this issue · 2 comments


As shown in the attached picture, "RL Hair shader" doesn't receive light from the Spot Light on mobile (Android Build).
However, it looks fine in the Unity editor.

Spot Light is Second Light from back. (Main is Directional Light from front)
I tried to chage type of spot light to dir light, but it doesn't work.

Unity 2022.3.5f1
CC/iC Importer URP 1.4.9

[Android build info]
Open GLES3
min API Level : Android 8.0 'Oreo'
Target API Level : Android 13.0
.NET Framework
ARMv7, ARM64

Please Check.
Thank you!

Ok, I got the problem to reproduce in 2022.3.5 android build.

For some reason, to fix this I had to disable the other quality levels for the android build:


It seems like it was using the lowest quality level for the hair, which was set to only use the main light and disables additional lights. Even though the skin (also a custom shader) was clearly using the additional lights, which makes no sense at all.

I disabled it as you told me to and tried building,
and it was successful!