
Convert MDX to Markdown.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Convert MDX to Markdown.


This library is most useful for generating README.md files like the one you're reading.


yarn add mdx-to-md
npm install mdx-to-md


mdx-to-md [sourcePath] [outPath]

In the simplest use case, you can run the CLI and it will output the converted Markdown relative to the current working directory the script was run in:

yarn mdx-to-md README.mdx


Start with MDX:

import { name, description } from "./package.json"

# {name}


# Install

  <code className="language-bash">yarn add {name}</code>

And convert it to Markdown:

import { writeFile } from "fs/promises"
import { mdxToMd } from "mdx-to-md"

const markdown = await mdxToMd("README.mdx")
const banner = `This README was auto-generated using "yarn build:readme"`
const readme = `<!--- ${banner} --> \n\n ${markdown}`

await writeFile("README.md", readme)

console.log("📝 Converted README.mdx -> README.md")

Which outputs:

# mdx-to-md

Convert MDX to Markdown.

# Install

yarn add mdx-to-md