
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Repository : https://github.com/sourabh59-coder/Tourify

1  Home Page

Project Description

This is a full stack MERN project using the technologies like ReactJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS and MongoDB and also embedded with the functionalities of Redux based Toolkit. This web app has all features like email authentication, google authentication,... Embedded the CURD functionalities in all possible ways also embedded the functionalities like discussion area, comments area,,.... Include search functionality, pagination, full responsive web site, …

Features Implemented

1. Frontend

  1. Home Page Consisiting of All Tours(With Pagination functionality) 2  Home Page Pagination Functionality

  2. Login Functionality 5  Login 6  Toast Message Of Successfull

  3. Login Using Google Account 10  Google SignUp functionality

  4. SignUp Functionality 7  SignUp functionality 8  SignUp Success Toast Message

  5. Add Tours Functionality 11  Add tour functionality

  6. DashBoard(With Edit and Delete Tour functionality) 9  DashBoard of the logined user

  7. Searching Using the Tags 4  Search By Tag

  8. Seaching using the search bar functionality 12  Search By using Search functionality

  9. View Tour Functionality 3  Tour Details

2. Backend

  1. Auth Routes:

    • SignUp
    • Login
    • Password Hash (Using BCrypt)
    • Google SignUp and SignIn
  2. User Routes

  3. Tours Routes

  4. Categories Routes:

    • Create Categories
    • Add Categories
  5. Server Checks 13  Server Checks

  6. MongoBD Databases:

    • User Databases 14  MongoDB Tours
    • Tour Databases 15  MongoBD User
  7. Folder Structures:

    • Client Side 16  Client Folder structures
    • Server Side 17  Server folder structure

Technologies and Packages Used

1. Frontend

  1. React
  2. React-router
  3. Axios
  4. Redux Tool-Kit
  5. Tailwind CSS

2. Backend

  1. Node JS
  2. Express
  3. MongoDB
  4. Mongoose
  5. Bcryptjs
  6. Context API
  7. Path
  8. Google SignUp API