Django REST Framework

Important Topics

  • AppConfig
  • Django ORM
    • .get()
      • throws DoesNotExist exception if no object found
      • throws MultipleObjectsReturned exception if more than one object found
      • throws FieldError exception if more than one object found
    • .filter()
      • returns empty QuerySet if no object found
      • returns QuerySet if one or more objects found
      • can be used to check if exists or not
      • update multiple objects
      • delete multiple objects
  • Server-side Rendering
    • Django Templates
      • collectstatic : collect all static files from all apps and put them in a single folder
      • static : to access static files
      • STATIC_ROOT : where to collect static files
      • STATICFILES_DIRS : where to look for static files
    • Forms
      • fields
      • widgets
      • validators
      • CSRF
  • DRF (Django Rest Framework)
    • Serializers
      • ModelSerializer
      • HyperlinkedModelSerializer
      • Serializer Context Object
      • SerializerMethod Object
    • Salted Password Hashing
    • Token Authentication
    • Image Validators
    • APIView
      • Class based views
      • Function based views
    • GenericAPIView
    • Mixins
      • CreateModelMixin
      • ListModelMixin
      • RetrieveModelMixin
      • UpdateModelMixin
      • DestroyModelMixin
    • Pagination
      • LimitOffsetPagination
      • PageNumberPagination
    • ViewSets : urls get configured automatically but methods needs to be defined
      • GenericViewSet (Mixins can be used) : urls and methods are configured automatically using mixins.
      • ModelViewSet : urls and methods are configured automatically.
      • Routers
      • Nested Routers
      • Dynamic Routers
    • Object Level Permissions
    • View Level Permissions
    • Celery
      • Django Celery Beat (stores schedule in database)
      • Django Celery Results (stores results in database)
      • Django Celery Email (sends emails)
      • Django Celery Admin (admin interface)
      • Django Celery Flower (monitoring)
      • Django Celery Progress (monitoring)
      • Django Celery Cam (monitoring)
      • Django Celery Once (prevents duplicate tasks)
    • Signals
      • pre_save
      • post_save
      • pre_delete
      • post_delete
    • Middleware
      • Called during request :
        • process_request
        • process_view
      • Called during response :
        • process_template_response
        • process_response
        • process_exception

Frontend :

Commands used to setup React :

npx create-react-app frontend npm i @material-ui/core yarn add @material-ui/core