Selenium test library for Robot Framework ========================================= Introduction ------------ SeleniumLibrary is a test library for Robot Framework that enables testing of web applications. As the name suggests, it uses Selenium_ via Selenium-RC_ internally. Currently, not all features of Selenium are implemented in SeleniumLibrary, but most of them are quite trivial to implement when someone needs them. Usage ----- To run tests with Robot Framework and SeleniumLibrary following things must be done - SeleniumLibrary must be taken into use in Robot test data. See `Robot Framework user guide`__ for more information. - Selenium server must be started with command ``java -jar [path_to_server]/selenium_server.jar``, where [path_to_server] depends on platform. On Windows it will be '[PythonDir]\\Lib\\site-packages\\SeleniumLibrary\\lib' and on Linux it is '/usr/lib/python[version]/site-packages/SeleniumLibrary/lib' __ Installation ------------ See INSTALLATION.txt for installation and uninstallation instructions. Directory Layout ----------------- demo/ A simple demonstration, with an application running on localhost. doc/ Keyword documentation. src/ Python source code. test/ Acceptance tests for keywords using Robot Framework. .. _Selenium: .. _Selenium-RC:
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