
An image viewer à la Twitter

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Swift 2.1 Platforms iOS License MIT

ImageViewer is a library that enables a user to visualize an image in fullscreen. Besides the typical pinch and double tap to zoom, we also provide a vertical swipe to dismiss. Finally, we try to mimic the displacement of the image from its current container into fullscreen, this feature being its main selling point. In our context, you can imagine an image as part of an article and when it's tapped, the image is animated into fullscreen.



# source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
# use_frameworks!
# platform :ios, "8.0"

pod "ImageViewer"


github "MailOnline/ImageViewer"


let imageProvider: ImageProvider = ... 

let buttonConfiguration = ButtonStateAssets(normalImage:UIImage(named: "normalImage"), highlightedImage:UIImage(named: "highlightedImage"))
let configuration = ImageViewerConfiguration(imageSize: size, closeButtonAssets: buttonConfiguration)

let imageViewer = ImageViewer(imageProvider: imageProvider, configuration: configuration, displacedView: displacedView)

  • imageProvier: An object that is able to provide an image via a callback UIImage? -> Void.
  • configuration: Contains information about the assets that will be used for the close button and the image to be displayed's size.
  • displacedView: The view that is about to be displayed in fullscreen.


  • Setup Travis
  • Clean up internal logic (refactoring mostly)
  • Remove the XIB file and create the UI with code
  • Use UITraitCollection for rotation. traitCollectionDidChange is not called if only Portrait is enabled at a project configuration level
  • Investigation
  • Investigate the usage of custom transitions
  • Investigate a more idiomatic way of dealing with the orientation changes
  • Change anchor points to improve rotations animation paths
  • UI Testing
  • Expand the ImageViewer to a Gallery
  • Consider UIVisualEffectView for the Close button as default option


Because ImageViewer was created with a given configuration in mind, it might be limiting factor for certain apps:

  • Currently the library will only behave correctly in apps that have rotation disabled (only Portrait). Since we are applying transformations and listening for UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification. We have a couple of ideas on how to solve this problem and provide a more predictable behaviour. Given all this, you shouldn't use for an iPad app.
  • ImageViewer is currently a UIViewController subclass, we are considering making it a UIView, as we find the later lifecycle more reliable. We are adding ImageViewer's root view to the UIWindow's subViews and itself as a childViewController of the window.rootViewController. We are still looking into a way of making this part a bit more idiomatic, while maintaining the great fullscreen look.
  • We are seeing some issues with the animations due to different aspect ratio between the displacedView and the fullscreen UIImageView. We aren't sure if it's worth to fix this, as we don't run into this problem.


ImageViewer is licensed under the MIT License, Version 2.0. View the license file

Copyright (c) 2015 MailOnline