Plutus Starting Template

Example setup

  1. Clone plutus-apps repository and this repository.
  2. Enter cloned plutus-apps repository and checkout the tag corresponding to that mentioned in this repository's cabal.project file.
  3. Run nix-shell (make sure you have setup nix properly, as outlined here).
  4. Inside nix shell, enter the directory for this repository and execute:
    cabal configure -f defer-plugin-errors  # See
    cabal update
    cabal build
  5. In a new shell (not inside nix-shell), open this directory inside your editor (say neovim). When you open, say PDR.Validator.hs, your HLS will take some time to get ready and then it should work.
  6. Back in shell inside nix, can run cabal exec generate-PDR-files to generate relevant files for PDR contract which is an example contract illustrating how to use custom datum & custom redeemer in a parameterized contract.

Note I needed to have postgresql installed on my system so that HLS doesn't complain.

How to update

  • cabal.project is mostly copy-paste of corresponding file from plutus-apps repository for the corresponding tag (this is necessary because the plutus-apps libraries depend on a number of other libraries which are not on Hackage, and so need to be pulled in as source-repository-packages themselves), I have clearly mentioned my additions and their rational in this file. To update this template, you would need to update this file and perhaps other example files if their is any breaking change.

Note hie.yaml file was generated with the help of implicit-hie. And the usual drill for that is after you have executed cabal build, execute gen-hie > hie.yaml.
