A better Python lavalink library made for use in discord.py rewrite or discord.jspy bots.
It has an easy to use and very fast interface that is very dynamic.
pip3 install aqualink
import aqualink
await bot.aqualink.connect(password="youshallnotpass", ws_url="ws://localhost:2333", rest_url="http://localhost:2333")
# later
p = bot.aqualink.get_player(ctx.guild.id) # get the player object
await p.connect(ctx.author.voice.channel.id) # connect to the author's VC
tracks = await p.query("ytsearch: hello Adele") # get a list of Track objects
await p.play(tracks[0]) # play the first match
await p.set_eq(aqualink.Equalizer.bassboost().ultra) # equalizer support! Ultimate bassboost preset
print(p.track.title, p.track.thumbnail) # print the currently playing track title and thumbnail
# and so on