
Table of contents


This project was written to allow me to save my Spotify tracks in flac and a safe location to safe guard from Spotify licensing deals expiring. In its current iteration it is setup to download 'liked' tracks.


  1. Ubuntu/Debian/Windows
  2. Python 3.6 or higher (sudo apt install python3.8 python-pip)
  3. requirements.txt modules (see below)


  1. git clone
  2. cd spotify_download
  3. sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. cp config.json.example config.json
  5. Configure config.json as per Configuration
  6. Run with python3


Simple usage would be..

Cache Spotify OAuth token --authorize-spotify

Run script in automatic mode --auto

Other modes..

usage: [-h]
               (-auto | -authorize-spotify | -sync-liked | -match-liked | -download-missing | -manual-scan | -playlist-stats)
               [--paths [PATHS [PATHS ...]]] [--sync-liked-custom-user]
               [--spotify-client-id SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID]
               [--spotify-client-secret SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET]
               [--spotify-username SPOTIFY_USERNAME]
               [--liked-songs-path LIKED_SONGS_PATH]

Spotify downloader V1

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -auto                 Runs the downloader in automatic mode
  -authorize-spotify    Populate OAuth cached creds
  -sync-liked           Queries Spotify for liked songs and downloads metadata
  -match-liked          Queries locally saved liked song metadata and attempts
                        to match on Deezer
  -download-missing     Attempts to download missing songs
  -manual-scan          Invokes Autoscan API against provided paths
  -playlist-stats       Displays stats associated with Spotify playlists
  --paths [PATHS [PATHS ...]]
                        List of paths to scan
                        Specifies a custom user to query Spotify for
  --spotify-client-id SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID
                        Custom Spotify user client id
  --spotify-client-secret SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET
                        Custom Spotify user client secret
  --spotify-username SPOTIFY_USERNAME
                        Custom Spotify username
  --liked-songs-path LIKED_SONGS_PATH
                        Path to non-existent json file


All configuration of this tool is done in config.json an example of which is contained in the project, config.json.example.


A free Deezer account is required, I would suggest creating a burner account.

config_path required - Path to an empty folder that will contain deemix config, logs and Deezer cached authenication token.

arl required - Cookie required for Deemix functionality

download_path required - Path that Deemix will download into


level - required - Either 'INFO' or 'DEBUG'

path - Path to a non existent log file, if left blank logs are stored in /logs


You will need to create an application as per this article. Ensure you have set the redirect uri to{redirect_uri_port}

client_id required - Application ID you have setup

client_secret required - Application secret you have setup

username required - Spotify username must be lower case

scope required - 'user-library-read' or 'user-library-read, playlist-read-private' if wanting to download playlists

redirect_uri_port required - Any usable host port, must match what application has been setup with


enabled - Enables pushover notifications for script

user_key - Pushover user key

api_token - Pushover token (per Pushover application)


enabled - Enables autoscan integration. Assumes you have set this up correctly and created rewrite rules if needed.

endpoint - API endpoint to POST to, usually in the form of IP_ADDR:3030/triggers/manual

auth_enabled - If enabled will attempt basic auth

username - Autoscan user

password - Autoscan password


enabled - Enables auto commit of a local repo.

persistent_data_folder_path - I have this set to repo containing [deemix][config_path], [script][paths][liked_songs] & [script][paths][processed_songs] to ensure persistent data is git.


[paths][liked_songs] required - Path to existent or non-existent json file. This will store Spotify liked song metadata

[paths][processed_songs] required - Path to existent or non-existent json file. This is what the script uses as persistent storage.

[paths][playlist_mapping] required if [spotify_playlists] is enabled - Path to existent or non-existent json file. This is where the mapping of songs to playlists is stored.

[spotify_playlists][enabled] - Enables / disables inclusion of spotify playlist songs in download

[spotify_playlists][excluded] - An array of playlists you wish to be excluded from download (case sensitive). You can get the names by running python3 -playlist-stats