
Weighted Threshold Signature Benchmark

Primary LanguageSolidity

Threshold Sigantures from Inner Product Argument: Succinct, Weighted, Multi-threshold

This repository implements a new threshold signature scheme with succinct signature size and verification time, which also supports arbitrary weight distribution and multiple thresholds.

Code structure

The repository contains implementation of the following:

  1. Our threhsold signature scheme in wts/src/
  2. Solidity implementation of the verifier wts/solidity/

We will benchmark the following other approaches.

  1. Compact certificate of knowledge by Micali et al. wts/bench/compactcert/
  2. BLS threshold signature and multisignature wts/bench/multsig/
  3. Generic SNARK wts/bench/snark/
  4. Generalized Inner Product Argument (GIPA) wts/gipa/

NOTE: Our implementation of GIPA is very preliminary and it does not implement all parts of the GIPA protocol.

Dependencies and Installation

This library uses go version 1.19.x or higher. The library has been tested with Ubuntu and Mac-OS.

You can test your installation by running the following command inside the wts/src/ folder:

go test -run=TestWTS

Running Tests and Benchmarks

Implementation of each appraoch has its own testcases and bechmakrs, typically in files named as [APPROACH]_test.go. For example the functions to test and benchmark our threshold signature are included in the wts/src/wts_test.go.

Benchmarking our approach

IMPORTANT: cd to wts/src/

Benchmark with specific nubmer of signers. Recommened to start with smaller values of such as 128, 256, etc. Here the flag -signers indicate the number of signers.

NOTE: We have only tested with values of n that are powers of two. Also, when you run with larger n, it will take several minutes as - Generating the CRS takes time, and - We generate the signing keys of all the sigers sequentially.

go test -v  -bench=BenchmarkWTS -run=^# -signers=[NUM_OF_SIGNERS] -benchtime=10s -timeout 20m

Benchmarking BLS threshold signature and BLS Multisig

IMPORTANT: cd to wts/bench/multisig/

  1. Run the full BLS multisignature benchmark reported in the paper
go test -v  -bench=BenchmarkMultSigUW -run=^# -benchtime=10s -timeout 30m
  1. Run the full BLS threshold signature benchmark reported in the paper
go test -v  -bench=BenchmarkBLSUW -run=^# -benchtime=10s -timeout 30m
  1. Benchmark BLS threshold signature with t=32768 and t=65536
go test -v  -bench=BenchmarkBLSLarge -run=^# -benchtime=10s -timeout 30m

NOTE: For benchmarking the SNARK please refer to bench/snark/README.md