
Facebook Authentication using Node.js, Express, and Mongoose

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Facebook Authentication using Node.js, Express, and Mongoose

Before Login

After Login

Before Login After Login


This code implements a Facebook authentication system using Node.js, Express, Passport.js and Mongoose.


  • Node.js
  • npm or yarn
  • MongoDB instance
  • Facebook App credentials


1. Clone the repository and install the dependencies:

2. Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add the following variables:

  • SESSION_SECRET = [ your session secret ]
  • FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID = [ your facebook app client ID ]
  • FACEBOOK_SECRET_KEY = [ your facebook app secret key ]
  • FACEBOOK_CALLBACK_URL = [ your facebook app callback URL ]
  • mongoURL = [ your mongodb URL ]
  • PORT = [ port number to run the server ]

3. Start the server:

  • npm start

Code Explanation


  • This file connects to the MongoDB server using the mongoose library.


  • This file defines a User schema using the mongoose.Schema method.


  • This file defines a facebook-auth router using the express.Router method and implements the Facebook authentication strategy using the passport-facebook library.


  • This file initializes the Express application, sets up the session middleware, passport.js authentication, and defines the routes for the Facebook authentication.

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