Implementations of sublanguages of JavaScript, TypeScript, Scheme and Python
- 3
- 1
Stepper: sound module crashes frontend
#1722 opened by martin-henz - 6
- 0
Adding comments for stepper.ts for easier understanding
#1679 opened by FYL2003 - 0
- 3
Stepper: bug that causes frontend crash
#1712 opened by martin-henz - 0
Stepper: steps appear as if capturing happens
#1714 opened by martin-henz - 0
Attach list.js in a nicer way to documentation PDFs
#1705 opened by RichDom2185 - 0
CSE Machine: Migrate dependence check to node creator
#1702 opened by RichDom2185 - 0
CSE Machine: `canAvoidInstr` is too slow
#1698 opened by martin-henz - 2
Remove `src/interpreter/interpreter-non-det.ts` (currently not working anyway)
#1695 opened by martin-henz - 0
Remove `src/vm/svml-machine.ts`
#1697 opened by martin-henz - 0
Remove `src/lazy`
#1696 opened by martin-henz - 0
Update @types/estree and TypedEs
#1685 opened by ZweZeya - 0
- 1
CSE Machine: extra indentation
#1689 opened by martin-henz - 1
CSE: Avoid unnecessary env instructions
#1682 opened by martin-henz - 0
Function types in Source Typed
#1683 opened by martin-henz - 1
Adding comments for stepper.ts for easier understanding
#1675 opened by FYL2003 - 2
- 2
print: display string in REPL without quotation marks
#1664 opened by martin-henz - 1
- 0
Stepper: adding test cases for specification Expressions: Function application
#1661 opened by FYL2003 - 0
CSE: closures in global frame don't display properly
#1641 opened by martin-henz - 0
- 0
- 0
Stepper: Accidental unpacking during evaluating the if statement in block expression
#1612 opened by FYL2003 - 1
Source Native: Unable to run any code in REPL before running code in the main editor
#1652 opened by sayomaki - 0
- 0
CSE machine: unnecessary env on the bottom of control
#1635 opened by martin-henz - 0
Stepper: Error for "Invalid number of argument" is not in the correct order.
#1633 opened by hanscau - 1
- 0
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- 0
Stepper: Does not evaluate arguments when it should
#1622 opened by martin-henz - 4
- 1
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- 1
Source §3 Non-Det: Always crashes
#1617 opened by martin-henz - 0
CSE machine: Add statement sequences to Source
#1580 opened by NhatMinh0208 - 0
Source §3 Concurrent: Ellipses not supported
#1616 opened by martin-henz - 0
CSE Machine: Improve dummy bindings and add new mainReference property to arrays and functions
#1585 opened by CZX123 - 0
CSE Machine: Keep id of environments, arrays & closures constant across different steps
#1589 opened by CZX123 - 0
- 0
- 2
- 1
CSE Machine: sequences show extra brackets
#1593 opened by martin-henz - 0
Inner Scope Access issues in REPL programs when using explicit control variants
#1576 opened by s-kybound - 0
Stepper: Stepper crashes when reducing a function with an irreducible value and a return statement
#1566 opened by hanscau - 0
Stepper: Incorrect evaluation sequence in Program
#1562 opened by hanscau