
Here you can find all the quantitative finance algorithms that I've worked on over the past year!

Primary LanguagePython


A work in progress

Individual Technical Indicators

This folder contains a graphical representation of about 140 technical indicators (RSI, Bollinger Bands, moving averages, etc.) in the stock market. Many of the algorithms contained use of Pandas, Matplotlib, TA-Lib and NumPy.

Portfolio Strategies

This folder contains data on specific portfolios in certain sectors of the market and other porfolio optimization algorithms. Many of the algorithms contained use of Pandas, Matplotlib and NumPy.

Keras Sentiment Model

This folder contains a Keras Machine Learning model that calculates the sentiment of Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) news and uses the sentiment to predict future stock market prices.

Rest of Repository

The rest of the repository includes a wide variety of stock algorithms most of which use a combination of Pandas, Matplotlib, TA-Lib and NumPy.