Pinned issues
#Bug. When using two monitors, the window goes to the second screen.
#36 opened by AndreyGrishin
- 47
Windows 10 1903 Window Drag Issue
#42 opened by HEIC-to-JPEG-Dev - 2
- 1
PasswordBox Extensions Problem
#82 opened by davidxuang - 1
- 1
Glow window
#89 opened by YssStudios - 2
NRE on init when trying show MessageBox
#73 opened by AntonKosenkoDX - 5
- 4
- 1
darker acrylic tint color in dark mode
#93 opened by Armin2208 - 1
Disabling Blur from Code
#94 opened by poochie89 - 4
- 2
Project dead?
#100 opened by jonasled - 1
Exceptions thrown when hovering over AcrylicPanel
#95 opened by Ydiren - 1
- 3
Class library exception issue
#74 opened by nima70 - 2
Please update Dropdown/ComboBox Menu
#92 opened by Armin2208 - 1
- 0
Window content disappears
#96 opened by milos12345 - 3
- 6
Titlebar cropped when maximized
#38 opened by HelgeKeck - 2
By playing the window animation,when moving the window,the ACCENT_ENABLE_ACRYLICBLURBEHIND Effect is Acceptable!
#84 opened by wuyang26 - 2
RevealBrush does not work in TitleBar
#80 opened - 3
- 6
Highlight color was lost in the last update
#76 opened by DeusAbel - 5
Windows Defender detects FluentWPF.dll as virus
#79 opened by Armin2208 - 3
- 4
.Net core 3 WPF uspport
#39 opened by RyoukoKonpaku - 3
.Net Core 3.0 Support
#72 opened by HEIC-to-JPEG-Dev - 2
How to change the Reveal highlight color?
#45 opened by Iridium-IO - 2
Windows 1903 Light Theme
#47 opened by poochie89 - 2
Parallax view
#75 opened by innuendo33 - 2
Compile to ARM
#69 opened by HelgeKeck - 3
New window opens without content
#49 opened by Armin2208 - 3
Incorrect behaviour with SizeToContent
#70 opened by m1024 - 3
- 2
Application title can't be hidden
#53 opened by tim-fernico - 3
Incorrect behavior with WindowsFormsHost
#60 opened by m1024 - 1
TitleBar property doesn't work when using AcrylicWindow.Enabled attached property
#54 opened by tim-fernico - 1
Caption buttons are disabled for inactive window
#62 opened by aoroberson - 2
brushes.xaml missing from v0.8.0
#61 opened by stevenbrix - 11
- 3
- 3
Not able to change ShowTitleBar
#52 opened by CorpoWolf - 1
- 2
ShowTitleBar=false but keep window controls
#46 opened by milos12345 - 1
colour sheme
#48 opened by Armin2208 - 1
Acrylic Blur Behind in Windows 10 1803
#43 opened by the1812 - 0
- 0
- 3
A window with AcrylicWindow.Enabled="True" cannot be snapped (multitask) in windows 10 tablet mode
#34 opened by tzurp