
Choose time for regular office hours

Closed this issue · 1 comments

In our 3-27 office hours we agreed that we'd like to have regularly scheduled weekly office hours. We want to try an "two-track" schedule, where every other office hours has a different regular time. E.g. week 1 is at 2pm on Wednesdays, week 2 is at 8pm on Thursdays, week 3 is 2pm on Wednesdays, week 4 is back to 8pm Thursday. This will make it easier for people to participate in office hours if e.g. they are in a distant timezone, or can't do calls during work hours.

Next up, the work of actually choosing real time slots. :)

Done, see here:

Decided to just do a single time each week, so as to keep it simple. If there's demand for an alternate time slot we can of course change the schedule.