
Workflows should be updated (<yarn graph> and <yarn score> are no longer supported)

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hey, since you have removed the command yarn graph from the package.json, should not you update the github workflows files? Im having fails in the workflows now and I gess is because of that.

The new error since the last update appeared is:
Screenshot from 2020-11-09 08-14-45

In the package.json the scripts "graph" and "score" are no longer supported:
Screenshot from 2020-11-09 08-18-09

These scripts (yarn graph and yarn score) are still been used by the workflows:
Screenshot from 2020-11-09 08-19-30

Thanks for logging this @pablomendezroyo ! This was resolved in #22

Thanks for logging this @pablomendezroyo ! This was resolved in #22

I may be wrong but, when I run the template in github pages since the last release it crashes saying that yarn graph does not exists.

Effectively If I check the workflows, the commands yarn score and yarn graph are still being used, while they are not longer contemplated in the package json.

Apologies @pablomendezroyo ! Thanks for pushing back on this.